> How to fix or improved WWE?

How to fix or improved WWE?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
We know that WWE is scripted but many fan complain about WWE being PG or they don't like John Cena or Roman Reigns!

What is your suggestion of fixing WWE into more entertaining?

Move it to 2 hours. Give women a chance in the ring. Enough with stupid gimmicks like El torito. Allow some blood to add more realism. The language is fine but can get a little more edgier, split raw and smackdown again and bring back 2 main event belts instead of 1. Allow more wrestlers to compete for the title instead of just 1 top guy. Change the commentary, change to whole production set. They need new Pyro new lighting, start from scratch. And they need to stop trying to pretend they are this huge mainstream company. Wrestlings image has been severely hurt over the years in casual viewers and they need to bring back legitimacy and treat wrestling as an artform or craft and not a freak show with dancing midgets and humping bunnies

Create New Storylines with an completely serious & edgy twist:

- The Stephanie McMahon/Triple H Divorce Rivalry Angle(That will drove Vince into crisis as Steph & HHH in charge of their own individual versions of The Authority)

- Jerry "The King" Lawler walks out on the broadcast team with a betrayal

- Sting seizes control of the WWE with the assist of Paul Heyman

Cut Raw back to 2 hours

Unifying/Rebranding NXT, Raw's 3rd Hour Superstars & Main Event into the successful WCW revival

Cease the WWE Network for real

More Swearing & Blood

Bring back the split brands. Have a top belt on both Raw and Smackdown. Bring back the annual draft.

Let the divas who can wrestle have good matches and storylines. For the divas who can't wrestle as well, (Rosa, Eva, Cameron) let them be valets or something for the guys, like Lana. Sort of like what Rosa is already doing with Fandango.

Stop having horrible scripted promos. Let the guys/girls go out there and improvise. Let them be real.

Stop trying to be so damn kiddie and protect the children. The show can be a bit edgy and it'll be okay. Get rid of stupid gimmicks like Hornswoggle, El Torrito, and the Bunny.

Concentrate on Wrestling Matches and put together Upcoming Match Cards like you did last night on WWE Monday Night Raw.

Well, they have to keep it PG. I say put in more wrestling (last night wasn't the best example, but they did seem to have more matches than usual). They can also make it more edgy by throwing in stuff only adults and maybe teens will catch (kind of like the Shrek movies). Maybe a little blood, but we already get that with Reigns, since it looks like he gets bloody noses a lot. Their cursing level is fine. Hm, all they really need to do is have more matches and improve the match quality.

Since they do not have the superstars like they use to, they need to mix up the matches a lot more and make them a lot better.

I understand establishing story lines, but come on, how many times do we have to watch the same boring matches 2 times per week?

And they have to quit using Smackdown as a rehash version of RAW.

Doesn't need fixed clearly they still sell out every arena they go too million subscribers

Those unhappy people live unhappy lives 99% is the internet fans that wwe doesn't care about

Raw back to two hours- vince to retire- sorted

Retire VINCE.

More hell in the cell.

More pain and blood.