Its a real bad idea, Nobody fights with there eyes closed. There are certain ways some train and close there eyes but that is only for sensitivity training called Cross energy/sensitivity training. They are called sensitivity drills because they develop the fighter's ability to sense the various kinds of energy upon contact with the opponent. Sometimes referred to as "sticking hands." It is motion and directional sensitivity necessary for good trapping hand skills. Through "sticking hands", you develop what is known as "flowing energy." This Flowing energy is meant to teach you to find the smallest crack and penetrate it. Flowing energy is meant to train you to enable you to feel the smallest opening in the opponent's defense and penetrate it with an attack. You train to obtain sensitivity to circular motion, sensitivity to straight line motion and so on for the legs as well. Other energy/sensitivity drills are the cross energy drill, harmonious spring drill, lop sao switch drill, lop sao cycle drill and various bridging drills. Higher level students can stick, trap and strike with a lot of speed and incredible accuracy while blindfolded which is where the idea you have comes from I imagine.
Eventually, when you are comfortable with the cross energy drills you should close your eyes so you don't anticipate anything and your sensetivity to even the lightest touch is heightened making your reaction time quicker as well as learning to just react without thought. Just doing without thinking about it needs to become natural. Your mind should not stop and think about how you will defend or attack you should just react (read The Book of Five Rings and The Unfettered Mind). if you trip and start falling, your mind does not stop to think "should i try to break my fall" you just do. if you spent the time thinking about it you will be too late and hit the ground wrong.
Sticking hand drills combined with reference point trapping drills develop what some people call "contact reflex." This is a highly refined neuromuscular skill. This enables the fighter to respond immediately with the correct movement based on the energy received from the opponent's movement. You can learn just the mechanics of trapping, but without the energy/sensitivity training you lack the ability to react to the opponent's energy Properly. Then you will find yourself, as the old saying goes, "in the wrong place at the wrong time!"
I suppose you could blind fold yourself for long periods of time to condition your sense of sound to help you move around better but people typically don't and can't fight blind. Not stand up fighting any way, you would have no idea where your enemy was. As for fighting on the ground you technically do not need sight because all of that training is muscle memory and your enemy is in your grasp. I know I wouldn't want to fight some one blind when you can see your just giving them an unnecessary advantage.
In some styles of Chinese martial arts, drills are done blind folded. Taiji push hands and Wing Chun chi sao can both be done this way, though I haven't really seen anyone do push hands blindfolded.
Grab defenses can be done this way. Just exercise caution and do them under supervision.
Forms can be done blindfolded as well. Naturally, you will want to make sure that the area you are practicing in is safe for this. Having some one else keep an eye on you is a good idea to, in case you trip and get hurt.
i don't know if you can completely fight with closed eyes, but this is a good exercise that helps you fight with open eyes, too
just practise
stand in a big room and take a good look of your surroundings.. cover your eyes with a fabric and start walking, trying to figure out where you might be..then open your eyes and see if you are actually can do all of your training with closed eyes, it is said that when you don't see you lose your balance, so start from this..
one good exercise that needs many people is you can have some of your friends around you, tie ur eyes and tell someone to attack you(as a game) and try to figure out using ur other senses who is gonna attack you, or where he stands, is also good to start being prepeared for anything in a fight
by fighting against other blind people.
fighting with such a hinderance is not an artform its a necessity. LUCK is really what you will need and chosing an artform that enhances your ability to fight because it relies less on sight and more on other senses-
noteably pick a grappling art, since once you are in contact with your opponent, your sense of touch becomes paramount and you are at less of a disadvantage since you know where your opponent is and have an idea where his limbs are since you are in contact with a part of his body in some shape or form- (if you are locking his arm, you know where the rest of his body is and what he is likely to do to strike you or lock, etc.
Have a good instructor teach you sticky hands training. I don't know if you mean "eyes closed" as in blind or "eyes closed" as in you are too close to your opponent that you can't see your opponent's movements. Sticky hands is a way to feel what your opponent is doing.
And forget learning anything by yourself. People have tried and tried, it never works.
You have seen to many movies. The crap in movies almost always has no basis in reality. There is no reasonable reason why anyone should need that. If you still don't believe me than I suggest you get several people to attack you while you are blindfolded. After they beat the crap out of you a few times you will get the message.
Jeez...., After teaching for nearly 40 years I know that it is hard enough to get most students to a point where they can halfway defend themselves. and that is with them only doing realistic training.
by growing a third eye too see with.
your not going to block a punch with your eyes closed that only works in cartoons and the movies
No one can do that... Except for those special people in those Martial Arts movies... "NEO U CHOSEN ONE!!!" "I CAN FIGHT WITH ME EYES CLOSEDDDD ERMAGERDD" yep.
chinise monks made a martial art for the blind look it up and go to a class
I want to know how to fight with eyes closed but i don't know how to train my self. is there any special training for it
By fighting blind.
You can't learn that by yourself.
You need to use all of your Senses
Listen to your surroundings.