And this crap with training at home. You know who can train at home? People who already know it. People who have been training for years and they already know what to do. But even they don't train alone. You need at least one partner.
You already know how to improve stamina, strength and so on. That's logical. You run, you exercise and all that. But you do not train something you do now know on your own.
Now I know you are full $hit. I absolutely hate it when people come in here and say crap like "I've been training for a week but I can take down guys who have been there for a year or more". Either you are lying or they are lying about the length they have been training.
And again you are wrong about hard work + dedication. I'll give you the winning recipe. Training smart + good trainer + time. I've been doing this longer then you. Why the hell would I lie to you?
Since you want honest and straight up answers here it is. Do not skip Martial Arts to another if you want to become a good fighter. What's so hard to understand about that?
By training a martial art for several years.
I don't know what you're going on about, but you become a good fighter by taking a martial art.
knowledge- to seek it first and when obtained, utilized fully it should catipault you in this and any other thing you do in life
I have trained wrestling for 1 month and BJJ for 2 weeks and muay thai for 3months. anyway now is my last studying year so I must study more and more to have good marks I don't want to put excuses not to go to the gym ""I like to train in gyms and do competitions I love the sport"" anyway I want to keep training at home for this year, so what things could help me to improve what should I improve and how let's say stamina how to improve .. strength etc and for the technique I want to do shadow box and wrestling drills is there something else I can do to improve technique and the other things