> How to a fight if?

How to a fight if?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
A wild opponent is a great opportunity. His unorganized nature is his downfall against a trained opponent. If you have trained long enough to recognize openings early enough, this person will be ripe for a great throw or a shot up the center line because he isn't protecting his balance or his center line. Once you have his balance or center line you are in the driver's seat. You just need to train to identify what angles the body is at when your opponent is preparing to take the next motion (i.e. his shoulder rocks back to get more force before he throws a hook/roundhouse punch, which most untrained fighters do without fail). Once you see these indicators in a fight, it is almost like cheating against untrained folks.

As Byron and Shaeeck said, when they are wildly swinging and throwing punches everywhere they are some of the best opponents to face. When they are wildly swinging they are doing two things. They are expending a lot of energy, so learning some basic footwork, blocking and dodging will let you conserve your energy but they will get tired out quickly because of all the wild shots that they are taking. Secondly and more importantly, they are leaving themselves full of openings for a counter. As Byron said, most people in that situation throw wide looping hooks which leaves their center line and one whole side of their body open. You can step in with a jab to the face and combo to the body. Basically these people are abandoning their defense in order to hit you and if you can recognize that the possibilities for a counter are endless.

That being said, you won't gain the experience to recognize this without practice. You need to practice often and spar often and you will be able to gain this knowledge. Some people naturally have it, but most have to train. And you still need to train and spar to be able to use it correctly.

Untrained people have the notion that throwing strikes are the great success of fighting, they think that while you are throwing strikes you cant lose. They do not realize that every strike you throw leaves a huge gateway for a counter strike or take down. This is what makes a wild throwing striker so easy to combat. they have so many openings to attack them.

Learn mauy Thai or something like it. They Teaches you how to block and clinch up good way to stop wild punches and land knees. I play judo so you could learn that to. Basically wanna fight insteed of run go to a club or dojo get some good full contact sparing and go from there.

Go to training. Learn the basics. Get fit , agile and strong. Listen to your instructor.

one shot to the balls

how to win a fight if someone runs at you and then throw wild punches and kicks at you from every angle for nonstop. can i still beat that guy? what are the best techniques to beat a guy like that? give me tips so i can use it for my future defense.

i really want to know this because the majority of people in my place do that when it comes to street fight.