Its difficult to controll a kick to avoid hitting hard. But punches can be controlled easily.
I do not have a CI however i do have martial arts training and even though sparring is pretty safe providing you wear punches kicks and headgear accidents happen just careful and aware of the implant and you should be fine
"Roughness" depends on the instructor. Some schools are complete jokes, others... not so much - these are the ones you have to watch out for. Head kicks can be devastating. Schools that allow it would be my concern. No, I don't have a CI, and am unaware of any of my students who have one so I can't ask them.
lol comparing tkd to football. none of the kids in your tkd class would survive a day of football practice. To answer your question, tkd isn't rough at all.
The reason I ask is because I wear a cochlear implant. I've been taking TKD classes, but haven't started sparring yet. Last week, my instructor asked me if I would be able to spar with the implant.
I've read stories of people playing football and even hockey with cochlear implants. And after asking around, the general rule of thumb seems to be that I should make sure I wear a helmet, which we do anyway.
I'm basically wondering what I should expect. I know it's nothing as rough as MMA or something like that.
Also, it'd be awesome if someone else with a CI could tell me their experiences.
Thanks guys.