Just wanted to add some Martial Art Quotes :p
A Black Belt is a white belt that never gave up.”
-Sa bam Nim Justin Taylor
“A club hurts the flesh, but evil words hurt the bone. -Traditional Chinese Proverb”
― Matthew Polly, American Shaolin: Flying Kicks, Buddhist Monks, and the Legend of Iron Crotch: An Odyssey in the New China
Kung Fu-tzu Confucius - “It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.”
a first degree black belt means you have an understanding of the basics and you are ready to begin your training, and nothing more.
there is no set time limit to achieve a black belt
but at a good dojo you wont be eligible for a first degree until at least 16 to 18 years old and if you train hard in about 4 to 8 years you might be ready
As much time as it takes for you to get the material down and pass your belt tests. There's no single, unified standard. The average appears to be around five years, but this can vary from style to style, school to school, and student to student.
Don't worry about chasing a belt. Just practice what your teacher wants you to work on.
Depends on your definition of 'black belt.'
If your definition is get a black clothing around your gi. It takes about 3 days delivery time before a belt arrives.
If you want to traditionally go through ranks. That depends on the school. Though it takes longer.
If you are talking about getting decent in fighting. Black belt is a poor definition, invalid measurement of skill. The only valid measurement in this case is yourself.
However assuming you are talking about the second option. I'd say maybe 4-5 on average. It's a great school. I hope you enjoy.
Good luck on your training and your goal.
4-10 years assuming it took you about 2 years for that yellow belt. BTW, it's Budokan.
it depends if your instructors think your ready. i would say it will take me another year to get my black belt in karate, im a green and have been in karate for almost 1.5 years
It takes as long as it takes. There is no set limit, everyone advances at their own pace. It depends on how much you show up, how hard you work, how often you train, etc. The range I usually give is 5-10 years, but again it depends on the person.
An honorable dojo will take you at least 3 years. But, some may take up to 15.
The problem is that schools do not have to adhere to any standard. Each school is free to hand out ranks based on whatever system they feel works for them. Until such time as when universal requirements are in effect, there is no one answer to your question.
another 10 to 20 years
depending on the dojo your attending
and how much effort your willing to put into it
i have a yellow belt in budukon karate?? how much time will it take me to be a black belt ? i am 14 years old