> How do you fight with someone bigger than you?

How do you fight with someone bigger than you?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Do boxing, mma, Muay Thai or kickboxing n tell the coaches you want to learn to defend yourself as quickly as possible because you're getting physically bullied and your teaches don't do anything. Stay disciplined and be patient for a while until you reach a good enough standard to handle yourself in a fight. This way, you'll increase your chances of winning a fight with these girls and you'll also be able to distress by training. Think about it

Or at least throw them on a floor? You know what, don't ignore them. You think it would make it better but it's going to be worse and worse. You either tell someone or beat the living crap out of them. It's all up to you.

About the I don't fight thing. Fight. Don't give a crap. You're not going to be a bad person. Humans are already as aggressive as they are so if you fight you're not going to be a bad person.

Funny how teachers these days just won't listen to students. Because in my school, a kid told on me to my teacher "Billy said shut up!!" Yea, Billy to the office. (my name is not actually Billy)

I can't teach you how to fight over Yahoo Answers. If the teachers aren't helping, try the police. Other than that, the best thing you can do is avoid them. Fighting is no good, especially ones you may not win. Fighting won't solve anything, so avoid them and if they continue, go to the police.

Fighting is not the answer I'm very sorry youre being bullied just continue to ignore it they will grow out of it trust me I've been there. Now if you're fearing for your life I'd suggest switching schools. I know being bullied sucks but fighting will not help it will just end in someone getting hurt or getting expelled. Best of luck to you.

I'd avoid starting a fight at any cost. However, if anything happens breaking the nose is a very good start.

Just continue ignoring them. You are the better person and you shouldn't let them get to you. Just stand tall and confident and give them a mean glare which shows that you're not ******* around.

(If they threaten with violence report to the police.)

You can't really reason with bullies .... Just ignore them you are better than them.

Hi I'm 14 years old a girland I'm lucky if I'm 5 ft, and I'm 8.5 stone these three girls have been verbally bullying me for a year now and I've told teachers who have done squat about it. They are all bigger than me and I'm not a fighter, I'm not weak i went to karate for 3 years and left with a brown and white belt but I DON'T Fight I was wondering if youse could give me tips Because I know the only way they will stop As if I fight them back I've tried Talking, Sarcasm, Ignoring them. My best friends have already said that if all three of them get into he fight they'll hold them back but can you help please.