> How do you fight multiple opponents?

How do you fight multiple opponents?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Ah at last, finally I can say jujitsu is worthless here with multiple enemies. Now i'm gonna get thumbs down from the jujitsu enthusiasts. Anywho, Muay Thai, kung fu, krav maga are all good for taking out multiple enemies. Even boxing would work. I know what you feel, it's just nervousness, that cold feeling just before a fight. You will get over this eventually. Also, I have to say try not to fight and be more mature. Do your best to avoid confrontation. This can work out for you in many ways. One, imagine how badass you would look by being such a nice guy and saying I don't wanna fight and being a peacemaker then if the guy doesn't let out and fights you, you have to defend yourself and knock him out. I admire people who are humble fighters like that. People won't be looking to mess with you anymore and also you would come off as more mature and badass. Think about it? That nice guy who doesn't wanna fight, yet can kick your *** if you F with him? Be mature and try to have whoever these guys are leave you alone, but also you must defend yourself when attacked. You will get over the nervousness and fear in time when you perfect your skills. It give you more confidence. You're only 15 so don't be too worried. Best of luck.

I'm 15 also and have learnt MMA taekwondo and judo and can take on almost any one however I don't like fighting. the best solution to staying calm feeling better when fighting is to remember that you can win easily also try to avoid starting fights as this generally makes you more nervous as you know you'll feel worse if you lose.

No one really enjoys fighting but hey if someone starts finish it by all means. If you want to feel more relaxed when fighting you just have to think about it less and throw things that come naturally and remember the person you're fighting can only do so much damage and is probably even more nervous than you.

Another tip don't worry about what happens after that's for after you ve won. Also since you leant Muay Thai you have a larger repertoire then them so throw something unexpected like the other week I landed a tornado kick on my spar partner cause he didn't expect it or know what it was.

well you not alone. if your telling me the truth. cause the truth is i felt the same thing and ask the same thing. fighting in combat is usally very fast . there is not much time to think usally and the fear is just the truth of it all. we all want to live and when some one is threating that we are afraid. i would incourage you to make sure you are fighting for the right reasons. fighting for the right reasons can and has made me a better more determand to win fighter. but i try not to encourage it. infact i have learned that fear is the truth telling me i can lose hard and fast at any moment. not only that but every thing i have just said can be contridected. fighting is like violent philosophy. i could just as easily be the guy whom gets his confidence from being wrong, a bully, evil to other people and basic ask to get my *** kicked and win most fights. the question that make my courage come to me is who am i and what is worth fighting for. when i find that i can beat an intire army. no joke. but if i don't i should run cause theres a good chance i will get lost in the fight. i would recommend if you can't avoid fighting or if you can't avoid trouble for what ever reason that you become a profeicnal fighter or in other word get paid good money to fight. don't get beat up for nothing. or get some conceling form a leader or authority for help and guidence. hope i havin't blblbl to much good luck!

When I was 15 years old I had the same problem just with 2 guys they ran away because I was shouting like a maniac anyway don't do like me it's stupid just I get pissed off fast. anyway my cousin get into school fights a lot so he is now training MMA. lets put that aside his uncle teach street fighting, so he know these things. 1.keep on moving 2.if u got stuck cover your back with a wall 3, attack the leader or the strongest one of them. that what i did to these two when i punched the stronger one he ran so the other one followed him anyway that day i got cheapshot from them just I said man if 2 guys attack me that mean they are pus**** so what about you 4 guys I like to get beaten up and leaving with me dignity and not to run or flee if you have friends call some. hope I helped you

If you're smart, you don't fight them at all, meaning, you don't let yourself get caught in that situation.

If cornered by 3 or more attackers you need to take the closest guy out completely. Meaning a hard strike to the throat, break his nose, or break an arm or leg. Use him as a projectile and shove him into the others, and run like hell. If you have any sort of weapon, use it.

My muay thai we fight 5 opponents at once. Movement is key don,t slug it out with just one person. Arm drags are very useful. don't go to the ground. Grab a weapon

Don't learn how to fight multiple opponents, learn to think before you act like an idiot getting into fights. Honestly, what do you have to prove by fighting? Unless you constantly have to defend yourself (in this case go to police) then there really is no other reason.


Try and ignore them, even if you have to take humiliation. Its better that than being seriously injured.


If you are trapped, you have to be offensive and break the circle, maybe take one out. At a moments chance there is a wide gap in the circle, run.


I have a gun but I decided to study some self defence tecniques and moves that can help me to protect my family in case of violent situations or attacks. this a good resource I found that teaches exactly that: http://www.goobypls.com/r/rd.asp?gid=563

Bye Bye

You don't unless you are stupid or highly trained, wich from your question I'm guessing you aren't highly trained and I hope you aren't stupid. Nine times out of ten a person is getting jumped because they put themselves in that position. Be smart, be safe, and train hard.

im 15 years if age, quite big and i seem to be getting in to a lot of fights, ive learnt muay thai and how to protect my self but before a fight i feel like a ***** and my voice slowly quietens and if show fear and lose all confidence, why is this?

You run,

Why the heck is it people with no experience think the can fight more then one person?

Go as fast as possible on 4 of them.

Edit: Sorry for not being "Detailed" Umm, what you wanna do is move away when you finish off one guy. Then do the same, really.

Dont stand still and wait for opponent to attack you. You have to run and attack them. bcoz if you stand still you are giving the chance for them to catch you. so run and attack.

You don't, you fight them when they're on their own