> How do I train my technique in MMA?

How do I train my technique in MMA?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
You talk to your teacher/coach and ask them how to develop better technique. You then follow what they say. If they don't help you, you consider finding a new school with a better teacher.

With that said, the simple answer is that you do punching drills. You hit the heavy bag. If you have access to one you hit a makiwara. You can also work on "shadow boxing" and doing kata. And finally finding a partner to work with for drills is helpful.

The point is that you get good at hitting and striking by doing it once you know the right techniques.

Well, you could always take a separate class in kickboxing or Muay Thai.

If that's not offered, or you can't do it, then practice 30 minutes a day, 7 days a week. Every other day, use the speed bag and heavy bag. On the other days, use the Thai pads. Make sure you work combinations. And that includes punching/kicking combinations, not just punching.

Make sure that you're using good form. You're not going to progress much if you're using poor form.

Hope that helps.

u may be in the wrong school. u cant talk strategy unless u have the skills. ask him to focus more on technique, or maybe he wants u to understand the strategy than learn the skills u need.

What do you mean he focuses more on strategy? How could he possibly be teaching strategy more then technique? Strategy is something you develop with experience and mostly by losing fights.

There are plenty of training videos on You Tube, I recently created the following channel mixed martial arts workout video. I will be continously uploading new videos from Alex Malave and Jason Soares. Check it out, it's free and valuable

ask your coach if you dont have a coach then you need to get one.

if you think you are training mma from videos you are only fooling your self the most you are doing is mimicking and picking up bad habits

I want a sample workout schedule to train my MMA striking technique. I have an amazing workout program to get stronger and more fit, but I need to train my striking technique as well. What would be a good program. I have access to a heavy bag, thai pads, speed bag, partner, and double end bag every day. I take MMA classes, but my instructors focus more on strategy and I need to work on my technique in my own time. So what would be a good routine, drills, and schedule to have solid offensive and defensive technique specifically in my striking? By the way, I googled it for you smart-mouths and it only showed training to become more fit.