> How do I stay motivated doing martial arts?

How do I stay motivated doing martial arts?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
The first thing to remember is this... "Complacency is the first step to failure."

As soon as you start thinking what you do is "good enough" subconsciously you may begin to slack. This can deteriorate your execution without you being aware it is happening. If you know your Kata then work through your Kata visualizing opponents to defend against. Focus on how each technique might be used to defend against and attack an opponent.

If you have a true interest in Jujitsu as a complimentary system then by all means expand your knowledge base. Approach all martial systems with devotion and seriousness and you will never let yourself down.

Everyone gets into phases where they're just not as motivated as they used to be. And the solution to the problem depends on why they're no longer motivated. For me, I feel as though I'm not motivated when I'm not making progress. Sometimes this is the teacher's fault. Like the teacher who stuck me in a corner for four months straight, by myself to do the same kata over and over and over and over and over again. A majority of the classes, he wouldn't even talk to me and when he did, it certainly wasn't to give me correction. That sapped my motivation so quick, it wasn't even funny.

Many times this is my fault. Like when I had a teacher who just ran out of ways to explain things. Oh sure, they knew it, and typically they were good at explaining things. I just wasn't grasping it. In that case, another teacher can be beneficial.

Can you use the kata in sparring, when you can then you will understand kata until that point all you did was memorize a pattern with no real meaning behind it. Understand your kata better. All the grappling and striking you need is locked in there

Techniques ahould be trained until it's an instinct pick one technique and focus on it until it is.

I know some material that is a couple belts ahead of my current rank, but it doesn't mean that I'm ready for that rank. It means that I should be well prepared when it does come time to test for the next couple ranks, but in the meantime I still have plenty of room for improvement in how well I do all of my required skills. I would rather be considered a "strong" person of my rank than someone who's "wobbly-wobbly."

I have no intentions of quitting at all, but I've been doing Karate for sometime. I know and can perform the kata needed for my next belt. I don't know when I'd test though. They teach juijistu, and a weapon style. I was considering joining the juijistu classes. Should I?