> How do I learn how to fight? (Ninjutsu)?

How do I learn how to fight? (Ninjutsu)?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
1. Find a good ninjutsu school. Good luck with that lol. Be aware that 85% of bujinkan is a fraud.

2. www.akban.org

3. Just go to youtube and type in akban ninjutsu. There you go. Over a thousand videos at you fingertips.

People say ninjutsu is useless, bc a-lot of it is. A-lot do not train to fight and what they are learning is impractical useless, and stems from Hollywood myth. Real ninjutsu can be used for sport, self defense, and for war. It is a martial art. Violence is to be met with better violence.

As a ninjutsu practitioner I have done a-lot of research on my art. While there are few really good bujinkan schools, finding a good one is rare. And yes there are SEVERAL ninjutsu styles. The two biggest are Bujinkan and AKBAN.

Not to sound biased, I am just being honest. If you want to learn good ninjutsu that teaches how to fight daily. Go AKBAN.

The only bad thing is that AKBAN is rare. Why? I don't know. It should be more popular.

Hope you find a solution.

Train hard, fight harder.

There are several schools of Ninjutsu worldwide today. The biggest and most well known is Maasaki Hatsumi's Bujinkan oraganization, which has branches in many countries. You should be learning from a serious teacher, anyhow, and not from videos. Martial arts cannot be learned from videos or online. Use google to find Ninjutsu schools in your area. Then refer to the following guide to help you out further:


You may be on a fool's errand. I will correct Jonathan... There is only one sanctioned organization, the Bujinkan. There are all sorts of schools and such that will CLAIM they are teaching ninjitsu, but unless they have a certificate on the wall from the Bujinkan (and they are as rare as hen's teeth) they are not certified and probably have had one of their instructors pick up a couple of Stephen Hayes' books and that's about it.

Also.... The Bujinkan has recently announced that they will no longer teach all the various arts associated with ninjutsu.. They are all now considered to be "historical curiosities".

Instead, they are now only teaching the fighting method, "taijutsu".

Forget about ninjutsu. Nothing you know about it is real. Everything you think you know about it is from movies and television and has absolutely nothing to do with the actual art.

Pick a solid martial arts school in your neighborhood and pick one of the many arts available.

Ninjitsu is the art of Stealth and Assassination. In the 80's movies made shinobi (japanese name for ninja) extremly popular, while also creating a bad@$s look to them. Do you really think they cared about how cool they looked or whether they had flying kicks 20 feet in the air? No, that is all hollywood. besides, most of the rumors about them (jumping 20 feet, walking across water) have been proven wrong (as if we didn't alreadyd know that).

Anyways, there are 2 ninjistu schools in japan. But why waste your time learning to be an assassin? If Ninjitsu was a ligit style, (or as Billy said) not a dead one, then it would be used in MMA today. The 2 styles that have made their biggest influence in MMA are Brazilian Juijitsu and Muay Thai. Those two are both really good, Boxxing isn't a bad one either. Don't waste your time with Ninjitsu.

If you ever found a Ninjutsu school. Nevermind, you'd never find any.

Take a different Martial Art, this one has been dead for centuries.

go on google and look up mma gyms near your house

I've searched it up countless times, but I really can't find anything which served to help me fight this way. Are there any videos you would suggest (for beginners)? I'm looking to fight Marshal Arts style, or use some sort of Ninjutsu or the likes. Any fighting style like these.

Thank you!!