No martial art is better than the next. Only the individual using the art can be better than the next person.
We all have our preferences. But the reality is that no art/style/system is better than another. Instructors are better. Students are better. Find the best instructor that you can and train and improve.
There are many martial arts form in the world. One of the best is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. This combat sport is very popular because it teaches women how to grapple and fight even while on the ground.
Israeli Krav Maga is the most practical martial art for self defence. It's based on the techniques used by KGB Spetsnaz
oog came out of his cave and hit ugg over the head and took all of uggs belongs, ugg then headed west walking through the wildness, crossing deserts, and rivers he search and climbed the highest mountain where he eventually he found chuck norris. after much debate chuck taught ugg martial arts and ugg climbed back down the mountain and beat up oog.
ogg then walked to the east cross the desert and ocean searching the land were he eventually found bruce lee, after a long talk he taught ugg martial arts. and then it was on.
it was created through battles and warfare, it was refined over the eons until what we have today
Martial arts knowledge was handed down to humans by the "Sons OF Reflected Light", others refer to them as "Tengu", and these two are one in the same.
In more recent times "the past 500 years" the majority of martial arts have slowly been watered down to a point where it is no longer correctly taught. The core principles are now missing. What a shame, too bad.
Luckily, there are a few martial arts master out there who still hold the knowledge and Hopefully this knowledge will be preserved, and passed on to future generations.
As long as man has been fighting against his fellow man has martial arts been around.
are they the most efficient form of defense and attack .
i like the looks of martial arts and have been researching them a lot and like the
meditation/life long pursuit of excellence it involves in learning .
but are they deadly in the modern world ? , or is krav maga and kick boxing a more efficient deadly fighting style today ?
not knocking any of them they all appeal to me and i will do a TMA ( ninjutsu ) but just wondered on other opinions on there
relevance today and what were they formed for ? to combat against other trained in similar arts ? or has an art formed out of a serious fighting style over centuries .