> Help on martial art(10 easy points)?

Help on martial art(10 easy points)?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
you just have to practice being hit, after a while your body gets used to it, it all depends how much you are willing to be a good martial artist, you need to develop your muscles especially your core, to improve your speed, that way you can dodge more hits and last longer in the short term and eventually be able to take the hits when you muscle grows significantly.

the rule is to block the pain which can be hard as you start out but the more you take hits the more you get use to it.. no body like getting hit.. but you cant block all punches or kicks... just start at 50 to 75 percent in sparring but then again 75 percent in the face will still hurt.. so start learning to deal with pain in your lower parts legs and belly.. you should be able to take at least 50 percent of a hit to the head.. this is how we spar in are sanda class.. so we don't get to hurt but being able take pain during a real fight

sexy prawn its Sifu or Shifu ... both are said the same way..cee fu is really wrong and shows disrespect to any master

Aurora is dead on that conditioning is the key. I will caution you that many folks get hurt trying to condition themselves without proper instruction. Worse, there are martial arts instructors who don't know how to do this as they weren't taught properly.

The correct way is slowly and consistently. In other words, starting with a few min of very light conditioning a few times a week, and working up to longer periods of harder and harder conditioning over time will enable you to become very tough.

For instance, you can look up examples of Uechi and other martial artists who can break boards with their finger tips, have bats broken over their arms, and kick through bats. These are things that took years to get to.

This question makes no sense. What do you mean you can't take a hit? You're not suppose to get hit. You're suppose to block or get out of the way.

Body Conditioning!

It will take a while, but that's what you seem to need. There are many ways to go about this. Usually comes from sparring and training.

You can lightly hit your body and increase the power for 20 minutes a day.


A note of caution here; there are two different kinds of pain. One is where conditioning takes place; the other is where some kind of damage is being done. You will need to know the difference between the two to know which to push through and which to back off from.

-Conditioning Forearms and Shins

To condition your forearms and shins you will need any hard or semi hard surface. Do your blocks, strikes (not fists) and shin kicks by striking this hard surface very softly and then going harder and harder from there.

This type of conditioning gives you that extra edge because your blocks and leg kicks will be extra hard. I saw a Kung Fu fighter who beat his opponent with 3 swift leg kicks – shin to shin!

-Punching Hand Conditioning

I am not entirely in favour of Makiwara (punching board) conditioning as I believe that it does too much irreparable damage to the hands and I have seen too many old Karateka with gnarled hands. But I believe the makiwara is an essential training tool and don't truly see any thing wrong with it. I have found, however, that a few rounds of bare-fisted boxing on a punch bag does the trick. Again, start slowly and softly and work yourself up to be able to hit with full power.

If you feel that you want to work with a Makiwara, then make sure that you take the proper precautions and learn how to do it properly.

The texture of a heavy bag is very similar to the human body (except for the bony parts) and is a good tool to practice your conditioning on.

Take a Punch

Take a boxing glove and punch your body in various places. Again, start slowly and softly and work yourself up going harder and harder, making sure never to go too hard, especially on your head.

Get your training partner or uke to condition your abs be throwing light and hard punches.

You can punch yourself in the body, your abs, ribs, your chest, your jaw and the upper part of your head. Stay well away from the sensitive temporal and facial bones.

A punch is a serious reality check and it is good to at least have an inkling of what it feels like.

There have been times where I did a lot of heavy sparring and this was one of my favourite warm-up methods.


I can hit hard,very very hard...but I can't take a hit..hit me a couple of time and in no time il collapse just like that..what's the point of hitting hard but can't take a hit..how do I make my body strong and can withstand against pain..please!!