> Have the martial arts ever failed you?

Have the martial arts ever failed you?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Not my martial art. My stupidity yes. Do something wrong, something brazen, and I mess up.

But my arts have never failed me.

I've failed myself before, but my martial arts training hasn't failed me.

I practiced Bujinkan Ninjutsu and while the teaching and training failed me miserably the style didn't. The moves that I'm taught, practice and favour in Goju ryu are close to identical to what I learned in Bujinkan - the difference is that I've re-learned them in a resisting and often painful environment. I've relearned them sparring with people who only 'let' me apply the technique once, after that I have to fight them and force it to work but they're still the same techniques.

Training properly makes that much difference.

martial arts does not fail, people fail, through lack of technique, strength or training

The art does not fail you. If you have not succeeded then you have failed to find the right key to unlock the door.

No. Martial artists occasionally have, but any failure of a technique under pressure has more to do with my understanding and training of the technique than the technique itself.

of course not..you just have to be patient and dont give up easily