> Has any of you guys got bullied?

Has any of you guys got bullied?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Had anyone of you got bullied when you were younger?

I mean i'm still young ((16) and it was only 3 years ago and also failed a grade.

I turned down this chick who happened to be popular and kids just started picking on me.

Those kids who I went to school with, but failed started picking on me cause I failed.

I was literally the bottom of the food chain.

I moved got cool with the kids in my new school. They introduced me to fighting, called homie Boxing. It wasn't much but at least it was organized and there were less angry fights at school.

I then wanted to do it for real so I joined boxing and that's my story.

I did, and I'm pretty sure that's one reason I'm a martial artist now. I was never a sports kid (the longest thing I stayed with was basketball for 3 years), and was always looked down on by the athletic people, made fun of for being good in school and overweight.

I'm sure that has something to do with becoming a martial artist, even if it never escalated to contact. But two years of emotional bullying is hard on a kid. Martial arts were a sport I found that I was good at, but also was more than a sport, it was an efficient way of life. Because of them, I'm one of the most fit in my group of friends (competition kickboxing really gets you in shape), I don't have to worry about fighting, and I can hang out with other athletic people in gyms and such an have something to talk about. Overall I'd choose to be bullied if it gave me the type of martial life I have today.

I got bullied quite a bit when I was younger, physically and mentally. It really sucked but I dealt with it and ended it eventually. Not the best way to solve the problem when I look back it but it worked just fine at the time. If you know what I'm getting at exactly.


I'm 18 now and grew up around the martial art. The last time I was bullied was in 9th grade by some football players. I sent the quarter back home with a dislocated shoulder, two broken ribs, and a dislocated jaw. It was completely self defense, and I am not proud of what I did. But I do not stand for bullying.

I'm a Sophomore in Highschool and I haven't gotten Beaten up or Picked on since Eighth Grade Junior High. Why, you ask? Because I started taking Taekwondo Lessons! Hell, I even Halfway Begged my Teacher to give me Extra One-On-One Lessons so that I can become Seriously Good.

Yup. Very rough past. Very dark past.

My parents divorced and I had an abusive stepfather who beat me. I was sent away to live with my father and step mom bc said stepfather wanted to kill me.

While away I was bullied continuously from 3rd to 7th grade by everyone. I only had one friend. Along with my past and present circumstances I became suicidal.

But then God found me and I became christian. And my life has changed drastically.

This is kinda funny but after the 7th grade and we moved again I was no longer bullied. It was weird. I thought "the more north we live the nicer people are" lol.

I was 10 years old and my little brother was 7 and a 17 year old would pick on us. ( loser, right?) He would shove me and my brother on the ground, hit my friends, try to fight us if we back talked him. My older brother was in jail for drugs so I didn't have anyone to protect me. I started boxing and I got really good, really fast. like 6 months later he pushed my little brother on the ground, so I ran over there, he punched me in the stomach so hard all the air came out. I hit him with a hook, 3 jabs and the guy next door broke it up. The next week my sparing partner that was 16 beat him up for me. I'm now a golden glove champ and I placed 5th in the state for wrestling.

I was bullied in grade school. The beginning of jr.high I started lifting weights and the bullying stopped.

Im pretty sure everyones been bullied when they were kids at one point or another.

I can't say that I was bullied. But I have heard some say I was a bully. But I didn't think of myself as a bully. I was always the smallest kid in the class.

But now that I'm more mature I can understand why I was accused of being a bully. I didn't go around picking on people or anything like that. But there were a few situations that I was in that could be called bullying.

I was in high school I don; remember what age. That is where I began learning judo. One day my ans some friend were hanging around after 6th period waiting for school to end so we could train. We didn't have a 7th period class. One guy that we didn't care for was trying to hang with us. A couple a big guys were going around picking out a person and they would begin punching them 2 on 1. They threatened one of my friends. I told them they don't want to do that. They said why. I said if you mess with him you have to deal with me. Then someone else said if they mess with me they were going to have to deal with them too. Now they were getting outnumbered. Then they asked who can they mess with. I said him pointing to the guy we didn't like. We wanted him to quit. They grabbed him and began beating him up. We stood back and watched. After a few minutes I told them that was enough and told the to let him go. But I shouldn't have never allowed them to do that. We used to tease him and gave him a nickname that he didn't like. Eventually he spoke up for himself asking us to stop calling him that. I threatened hm by saying we can take this to the mat. Of course he didn't want to spar with me. I look back now and know that was wrong. I didn't think I meant him any harm. Any other person that was part of our dojo I would have helped fight. I stopped it because he was part of our dojo even if I didn't like it. He and I never fought in our dojo. But I don;t know how this happened but we ended up fighting in a tournament. He wold have been in a much heavier weight class. But I always fought in a heavier weight class but normally against higher ranks. He should have gone against lower ranks. But he got moved into my rank class. I won in 3 seconds. I didn't think I had done enough to win it with the throw. I was going for a choke and they stopped me. I was impressed that he tried to throw me. I countered but I didn't believe he was thrown hard enough to end the match. But they saw it differently. It didn't matter much as I was locking in the choke and they stopped it.

Regard the name we all had nicknames. None of like the names. It was kids stuff that we did in fun. But I should have stopped when he asked not to be called that. We even used to call our sensei by a nickname giving him a hard time. We paid for it later in practice but we didn't care it was fun. We found out his childhood nickname from his nephew. The 1st time we called him that it caught him off guard. You could tell he didn't want anyone to know that name. We weren't allowed to play in the dojo, but everywhere else was fair game. But he got us back. if he got us back in the dojo we would tease the one that he got. We all knew it was coming.

Had anyone of you got bullied when you were younger?

I was till i decided to become one myself