Now with the WWE WHC Lesnar's contract ending right the night after WM 31,
whats gonna be his future??
WWE clearly needs him somewhere...
So what do u think is gonna be his future???
It is most likely he'll align himself with roman reigns as I can't see WWE letting Heyman go as it looks more likely now that Brock will go after mania,i think what could happen is that Reigns will beat lesnar clean, then Rollins comes out and wants to cash in until Paul Heyman comes out of nowhere and hits him with a chair,Then Reigns gets back up spears Seth and the j and j security and then Reigns and heyman shake hands and Heyman lifts up reigns hand in victory to then confirm their alliance, they leave together with lesnar looking on in shock and anger, and seth lying flat on the ground,So not only could that be amazing to watch but it then takes the pressure of promos off of reigns and then allows heyman to do the talking,thats what i would think should happen
He needs a new Paul Heyman guy to manage. his promos are one of the few things that have kept me from losing my mind watching WWE these past few months.
I very much disagree with Angel. his run as CM Punks manager worked very well. managing Axel, Cesaro, and Ryback actually was pretty good, it just got cut short (big surprise...) because they had to completely drop that angle when Lesnar returned so he could be Lesnar's manager full time.
Look at where their careers went after being dropped- Axel ended up back at NXT and Cesaro got pushed lower and lower and now in the tag division. can't really say much about Ryback though since he got injured.
Heyman is amazing as a manager. if they are smart they will find a new Heyman guy. preferably a young guy to help boost his career but anyone would be better than just sticking Heyman in the back and giving him a desk job. he's made this Lesnar/Reigns feud 10x better. i doubt anyone would care about this feud/match if it wasn't for Heyman.
Heyman is best for business. Believe that!!
I think they can use him for some creative ideas like story lines and just things like that but he may not be used much on TV unless they get him another client to work with or just make him the GM of Raw or something but it just would not work. Brock Lesnar is Heyman's guy he doesn't do to well with other wrestlers I mean look at the list
CM Punk
Curtis Axel
None of these guys worked out and and I do not think they should align Heyman with Roman reigns they should let Reigns be without a manager and work on his mic skills since he is still young and has potential.
Well from my username you can obviously tell I'm a fan but the truth is they don't need him. He makes the show a lot better but if they just cut him loose they'll be fine. I don't know what his future is but my guess is he'll get some new guy to manage and they'll push him with Heyman's mic skills. I think he works best managing new people who get pushed fast.
In my opinion he is the most boring speaker ever handed a microphone. I hope he leaves for good.
maybe he could manage New Day or maybe he can be part of the Authority or something