> Fighting Multiple opponents?

Fighting Multiple opponents?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
How do you people fight multiple opponents?

Well it's really not that simple. But there are lots of exploits you can use.

Such as: Throwing one opponent into another one. Which will give you about 5 seconds(Enough time to beat up 1 or 2 guys). Or do 1 hit combo, which are really fast and effective.

I can't tell you how to fight one opponent over Yahoo Answers, let alone multiple. It's just not something you can learn online.

Fighting multiple opponents takes a lot of skill in the right style to pull off. It's not impossible; it has been done before. It's just hard to do.

Just remember, when you are defending against multiple opponents, the goal is not to beat all of them to the ground. It could simply mean throwing a few strikes then running. The goal in any fight is never to win, but to not lose. This means surviving and escaping.


I see, you were looking for strategies. Well, throwing one opponent into another is a great move because it will bring two opponents to the ground. You should also utilize critical points whenever possible, like kicks to the groin. If necessary (which it probably will be) go for bone breaking strikes, like a roundhouse kick to the ribs (you are Chuck Norris after all), good kicks to the knee, or arm breaks. Just make sure to run as soon as it is possible.

You have to be very fast and cautious as well as focused to the point that time seems to slow down. You have to be moving a lot but also keeping energy conservation in mind. You must use your environment to your advantage and strive to split the opponents up. Don't let them swarm in on you. You gotta stay calm and let your spirit be resolute. When you are really outnumbered it might be best to not be the aggressor but when the chance to attack comes you must not hesitate and be very quick and powerful, taking up barely any time on any one opponent. If you are skilled with grappling so that you can skillfully use one person as a shield against another then that is something to keep in mind. You don't want to go to the ground but if you do you must blast back up as fast as you can (sometimes with a fierce shout) while of course protecting yourself. Also know that it's good to possess the ability to sense which opponent poses the most threat since taking him out first is always best. Sometimes if the situation is too overwhelming and defeating every opponent seems too much, giving yourself time by skillful movement until you find a chance to escape can save you.

You have to always keep moving, neutralize your opponents fast, and manipulate them into getting in each others' way. For instance, joint locks are very effective, as well as strikes that will instantly drop someone. Also getting someone in a lock and using their body as a shield can be quite effective. And above all, do not go to the ground. It's not easy, but with training it is possible.

You should know this Chuck Norris! ;D

You're Chuck Norris. Why are you asking us?

Use your darn beard with your hands and feet tied behind your back. That is the only way it is a fair fight.

You will not learn this online. You need to have a good instructor that can teach you strategies for doing this, The main objective is not to beat them, but to escape from danger as soon as possible. This is not something that is generally taught to beginners. it is for more advanced students in ost places.

You just do the best you can. Either try to get away from them or cause them as much damage as you can before you get beatdown.

Pack some serious heat!! And don't forget to come with your game face on

how do you beat multiple opponents? you can't.

How do you people fight multiple opponents?