> Fantasy: Gordon worth having?

Fantasy: Gordon worth having?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I'm holding onto him just for a miracle, even if he only plays 4 games this year I'll keep him on my team

No he's done for the season

Sure. Why not? As long as you have a place on your bench that you can afford to use up for Gordon, it could be a huge reward later on if he gets to play.

No -- all the speculation on him suiting up this season due to drug policy changes that retroactively help suspended players is media predicting what could happen...remember, he still has a DUI court case and those penalties have been bolstered.

Not a risk I'm willing to take, but keep an eye on the NFL's decision. If you hear about them rushing it or "deliberating" soon that's likely because they want to make the decision in time to get him eligible. If they put it off, then theres no sense in grabbing him.

Not unless you're in a dynasty league and even then he'll likely to be just taking up a roster spot for the year. There is speculation that there will be an agreement on drug policy soon which could substantially reduce the suspensions of both Welker and Gordon though. If you want to take a risk on that and have a roster slot available, then it's a risk that could pay off.

no he's out for the year drop him and take anyone over him that will be on the field he;s just dead weight at this point and cant score any points so just drop him