> Does playing softball make you better at baseball?

Does playing softball make you better at baseball?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
So if I join a slow-pitch type of softball league would it help me play hardball better?

Will help w/ fielding and throwing (practice is practice, right?) And throwing a hardball is WAY easier after throwing a softball. May screw up your timing at the plate, tho. There's just too much difference in pitch velocity.

It may or may not ...

Some people will find it easier to hit a softball as it's bigger and softer, therefore less intimidating.

Catching and throwing - Depends on who you ask, also how big your glove / pocket is. It can be

harder to grip but easier to throw accurately, albeit not with the same velocity because of its size.

It can't hurt. It's better than sitting watching TV. The concepts are the same even if the ball size and speed of the game are different.


So if I join a slow-pitch type of softball league would it help me play hardball better?