> Does my sensei think I have potential?

Does my sensei think I have potential?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
All students have potential. It is different for each student. A good instructor will try to bring out that potential no matter what it is.

Your job is just to be the best you can be. Fill your potential, no matter what it is.

Okay, you hit harder than everyone, how does that make you have potential? Even if you do, it's not going to do you much. You'd still have to train as hard or harder than everyone else. It only helps you a little but, as small as Justin Bieber's penis, metaphorically.

There are no bad students, only bad teachers. You should be pushed to be the best you can. Seems odd you made green belt in less then two years, sounds like a McDojo. Or maybe your just a really good learner.

Hitting hard isn't everything, especially in a martial arts. technique is everything, and sometimes it might be that your sensei is pushing you to develop your technique which might not be at the level it should.

If they're impressed, the only one who could tell you that is them.

a good sensei is suppose to push each student to what they can handle. if he pushes someone too far they are liable to leave. you also may be reading into it a bit too much as well

Yeah, and you should train yourself hard so that you can keep the peace in the world and protect us from the evil.

That is your duty, grasshopper.

According to some people at my Dojo I hit harder than most of the adults there. I am a 15 year old Green Belt and I have been training for 1 year, 8 months and 26 days. Could it be because i train harder than most people there. According to some adults i heard they talked about how i hit harder than even some guys who are like 12 - 18 stone, 5'7 - 6'5 (I'm 15, 5'8.) At least 5 guys and a few girls also told me about my strength, how i need to control it properly and stuff.

My Sensei seems to push me a lot more than the others and critique's me during training on my every technique, and seems impressed by the nearly dead look on my face after training. He's quite harsh to me as well compared to some people around my age group so could that mean he likes me and thinks i have potential