> Do you think the hate on Roman Reigns is unjustified?

Do you think the hate on Roman Reigns is unjustified?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
not one bit. he doesn't deserve the hate at all. he really has no control over his character or the creative decisions. however, i don't believe the fans are in the wrong for booing him either.

the majority of people booing him aren't doing it because they hate him (whether they know it or not and whether they choose to deny that fact or not). if you do hate Reigns as a person (or any pro wrestler for that matter) for anything he does as a character, you're a moron.

they are really booing Vince McMahon and his creative direction that HE chose with Reigns. the blood (well, boos to be more accurate) is on VINCE'S hands, not the fans, not Reigns.

if the fans don't like the direction a superstar's character is going, booing him directly is the only way to voice that opinion. we can't boo Vince at events so booing Reigns directly is the only way to get the point across. it's not exactly fair, but hey, it's not our fault. that's the way Vince himself created WWE to be like. no one else is to blame. Vince seems to get all the credit, and never any of the blame. how is that fair?

people have the right to boo or cheer anyone they want for any reason. it's the only way you can voice your opinion in WWE. WE are the ones watching the show so WWE should not have a problem with people complaining about stuff they don't like. if everyone just booed the heels and cheered the faces like "good fans" then WWE would be complete garbage. they'd just halfass storylines because the fans would just watch anything.

No, I think it's justified. The people don't really hate Reigns himself, they just hate how he's getting pushed to the main event scene when he's not ready. If he was a mid carder like he should be, the fans would be fine with him.

No I think it's perfectly fine. As a Pro Wrestler you're going out on a limb. Fans will either like your gimmick or not like your gimmick. Take another guy for example. John Cena. People love him and a lot of people also hate him. It's his connection with the fans that matters. Booing or cheering, they are always on a their feet. John Cena is a babyface. People still boo him. Roman is a babyface. People boo him. I feel like WWE, like any other smart wrestling promotion, will turn him heel if he gets too many boos. Any good heel will eventually have people cheering them. Then he will turn back babyface. It's the circle of life in wrestling.

Why exactly should I like Roman Reigns or cheer him on or buy his shirts or defend him every time someone bashes him? It is justified, so is the hate on Daniel Bryan justified so is on John Cena. We like who we want, we hate who we want.

Ya now it is they only hated reigns cause their little super hero Daniel Bryan didn't win the rumble

Yes I do. His only "crime" is not being Daniel Bryan. Bryan didn't win the Royal Rumble. Fan s need to get over it.