> Do you think that Indian Wrestling Fans are Stupid?

Do you think that Indian Wrestling Fans are Stupid?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I am an Indian, but when I talk to somebody about pure pro wrestling, they talk about WWE 's version of Pro Wrestling talking about how John Cena is way better than Seth Rollins and Daniel Bryan in ways of in-ring talent and they only support John Cena and they don't even talk about Underrated and Overrated Stars they only support faces?

Who the hell are you calling stupid? I'm indian and let me tell you something. I don't care whether you're an Indian from India or America but you're an absolute idiot.

I am an Indian and I know more about wrestling and the talent we have today than you shall ever know.

John Cena has earned almost everyones respect in the wrestling business. He's always the first one to come to work and last one to leave. People boo Cena to annoy him, but they do respect him for where he's come from and where he's at now...hardly anyone even talks bad about him... I mean I respect Cena... He even sacrifices his own Christmas sometimes to work and entertain "special people and kids "... That's what you call a hero...

Not an idiot like Daniel Bryan whose yet to make a name for himself in the WWE and expects his ridiculous actions as well as all the mindless sheep who follow him and entertain his actions, to be rewarded the WWE Championship... His moveset is almost identical to Chris Benoit...

you are just taking one or a few Indian people's opinions and assuming they speak for all of them (much like what Dave Hytmen does when he says "The People" to generalize the entire pro wrestling fanbase when in fact not everyone thinks that way. for example, his answer is extremely vague.

1) who are "The People"?

2) what does he mean by "good"? good at what? wrestling? entertaining? other?

3) how does he know what "The People" think? does he know all of them? is he just generalizing the statements of a few people and assuming they speak for all of "The People"? yup.

these generalizations are what what lead to negative stereotypes and racism. DON'T BE A DAVE HYTMEN.

stay in school!

The People don't realize how good John Cena actually is.
