Depending on the boys in general, if you get 2 boys that are friends and begin to play fight, 1 of them can get ticked off suddenly like out of nowhere and just go bad *** on the other. This can then lead to a serious fight. I've seen this happen many times. Maybe they are trying to avoid that situation from happening and that is why they get punished.
Play fighting could be fun in the first 30 seconds. Until the other boy starts defeating you, that's when you get mad and basically punched him in the gut then knee him in the groin.
I think that play fighting, particularly among boys is almost entirely unavoidable. Look at the play fighting that other young mammals engage in, particularly primate babies, puppies, kittens, and cubs of all kinds.
confusing problem seek at bing and yahoo just that may help
I mean, you know when kids/teenagers (usually boys) fight, but not in a serious way, just because they're friends and they're have fun... Would you consider it bad? Often at my high school if 2 boys are caught play fighting they're punished badly... I never understood why though... What's your opinion?