> Do you think Brock Lesnar goes off script?

Do you think Brock Lesnar goes off script?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I can't tell whether that was scripted or not. to f5 michael cole and the camera man and just keep on going.

I mean, i understand his character is to beat the **** out of people, but i can't tell whether that was off script or what

It was scripted, if it was real he wouldint be doing fake Wrestling moves he would be swinging real punches.. if he went off script it would be a breach in contract. He would have been fired and sued for a large sum of money. he would probably face felony battery charges also do to the fact the he was a real professional fighter and no one in the WWE has ever agreed to fight him for real. You would never see him in the WWE again and the WWE would pretend it never happend, and Brock never existed like they do with Chris Beniot

Maybe just a little, but he said it best himself: He's best as an entertainer. Everything you see him do in WWE is all "according to plan". He's not the wildcard he's portrayed as. That's his gimmick.

People actually buy Lesnar being real just like they did CM Punk. It's all a show.

What you asked? What happen to JBL & Booker T all I seen Brock do was flip the table over.

Now Cole got hit with a F5

Something else that I got lost at what did he do to the Camera man before the F5

An why didn't they flip the table back over it wasn't broke

brock lesnar and daniel bryan were the only good moments of Raw.