> Did you see Monday night raw?

Did you see Monday night raw?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Did you see Monday Night Raw? If so then what did you think of it? I didn't see the whole thing and missed the part where Lesner attacked everyone. I was either away from the TV for that part or changing the channels when it happened. What did you think? I really don't watch it much anymore cause Ive sorta outgrown it as I am 50 But I do watch it once in awhile. Its not the same as the wrestling I grew up with though. SO WHAT DID YOU THINK OF IT? WAS IT THE BEST RAW AFTER WRESTLEMANIA THAT YOU HAVE SEE?

Well, actually you missed the best part with Brock Lesnar. He would have destroyed Seth Rollins, so that is why they came up with the "suspended indefinitely" storyline. That will give Rollins some time to hold onto the belt, and give Lesnar time off to go back to the UFC.

The rest of RAW was boring and predictable, as always. One of the worst parts of RAW now is sitting through the tag team matches. I have watched wrestling for a very very long time (since the early 60's) and have NEVER seen the tag team division as horrible/boring as it is now.

Best Raw in a long time. Honestly I still had a checklist of things I wanted to see, but they probably ran out of time.

Smarky crowd ruined it "WE ARE AWESOME". No they're not..THEY NEVER HAVE BEEN. No one in the world thinks IWC smarks are awesome, apart from themselves

Not a regins fans but he did some cool stuff and yet, apparently he sucks but watching 2 5ft guys in bryan and ziggler roll around on the guy for a whole match is technical work rate?. See how biased midget marks are. I can admit and give credit where it's due. These indy loving smarks are biased to indy wrestling.

Guarantee, if nevile was a big guy who did loads of cool power moves. The IWC would hate his guts but because his a 5ft guy doing flips and kicks. He has great work rate.

These fans are getting out of hand. I'm slowly turning into a non wrestling fan. Won't be surprised until I start calling wrestling fans gay rednecks who think it's real.

Batista > Neville

HHH > Bryan

Edge > Punk

Sheamus looks stupid. Yet they love guys like bryan, stardust, Nevile and ziggler. MORONS

Raw was top notch,sheamus returns as heel,debuts of Neville and lucha dragons,brock lesnars rampage and d bryan v ziggler and the crowd nice and rowdy.