> Did Chris Benoit really exist?

Did Chris Benoit really exist?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
How do we know it wasn't just a fictional character being played by an actor?

June 25, 2007 - Vince goes to every household and wipes everyones minds of Benoit's existence.

Chris benoit was one of the best tactical wrestlers around he had 100s of rememberable matches and moments in both wcw and wwf/e he won the title on mulitipal ocasions he was backstage friends and onstage rivals with eddie guerrero defently deserves to be in the wwe hof...careere wise however chris made a desition some say it was because of mulitpsl concussions but who knows but benoit ruined his legacy when he killed his son his wife and himself. But its my belife he whent crazy his best friend died and him n his wife was getting a divorce that night he was gona wrestle for the ecw word title i think it was his way to keep his family together

According to WWE Chris never existed. He was just a myth, in our minds. :)

It was a real character being played by an actor.

No he just like Big Foot a myth

WWE is fake, none of it exists

i dont know which one is more stupid the asker or the people that answered lmaoo