> Did Brock Lesnar turn Face?

Did Brock Lesnar turn Face?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
BQ: is Reigns still face?

I think Brock is a "tweener." Fans love him, so booking him as a monster heel at this point won't work because the fans won't boo him.

BQ: Reigns is still face. They aren't gonna turn him heel. The WWE is trying to build him as the new face of the company, in place of Cena. Right now, Reigns will go forward as the frustrated face who is determined to prove himself and will likely get the title at or before WM 32.

Yeah he is a tweener, but last night proved more so probably a face and I think that will continue to full facehood by the time he faces Rollins.

They weren't trying to turn him face, but that's how it seemed to the IWC.

Reigns seems to not have changed his character at all.

B rock is a part time tweener.
