> Cena is turning Heel do you think so?

Cena is turning Heel do you think so?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I think so

John Cena vs CM Punk

John Cena vs Kane

John Cena vs Daniel Bryan

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt

John Cena vs Brock Lesnar at Summerslam

John Cena vs The Rock at both Wrestlemania 28 & 29

Heck, even John Cena vs Rusev at Fastlane

Do you know what all of those matches have in common?

Many people thought that Cena was going to turn heel after those matches, and it was the same result. Cena did not turn heel.

Many fans will always wait for the heel turn that they want from Cena, but I'll believe it when I see it. He hasn't turned then, I don't think that he'll turn now.

Cena is running Make a Wish foundation on behalf of WWE,if he turned heel,kids will not like him so he will never be a heel

No. The WWE teases Cena heel turns all the time. You should know better by now, Cena will NEVER turn heel.

No, but I do think we are seeing a new Cena. Maybe not a squeaky clean Cena, but one who will get down and dirty to get is way.

No Cena is the Superhero face of the WWE which means he is always supposed to be a face.

Thats impossible

Hell Nah *Kevin Garnett voice*


I also think so

nope his time is over.