> Can't spar because everyone is too scared of me.?

Can't spar because everyone is too scared of me.?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
If this is true, you have a very poor instructor!

The students are already defeated before they begin just from your appearance. It should not matter how big you are or how well trained. When confronted you should see the person as nothing more than...another person. Thinking how big he looks etc brings you that much closer to losing. The instructor supporting such things should not be teaching. Of course if that is what the students are learning, he is not teaching. You should spar with ANYONE willing to spar no matter how well trained or how big. Actually someone with little training or skill are very good as well since they are completely unpredictable and are not set in any kind of rhythm

You learned Hung Gar in a dojo from a Sensei? ...or was it the MMA you learned there? Either does not sound good. The dojo and Sensei are Japanese and Hung Gar is Chinese martial art and the MMA is taught in a gym. No wonder you have issues with the sparring. You should always spar with people who are better than you to learn.

To Liondancer,

Well to be quite honest I only call him 'sensei' because it sounds cool. I'm not sure if it makes a difference but face-to-face we call him sifu. And since we unfortunately lack a temple we settled for the word 'dojo'. :P

I assure you though we learn legitimate Hung Gar. And I learn MMA in the same 'place' just from a different teacher.

Any martial arts school that doesn't allow you to spar is completely worthless. I think you should leave that school and train in an MMA gym with "real fighters" not a bunch of wimpy kung fu pus---s that won't let you duke it out with the other students in your class. The purpose of martial arts should be to teach "realistic" techniques to the students. Your Hung Gar instructors and their cowardly approach to training are a disgrace to ALL martial arts everywhere. Think about what "martial" means. It means "war." And your wimpy sifus are afraid of their students getting hurt? Every student in that school should leave right now. They're all wasting their time learning from a bunch of weak-willed, fraidy cats who are scared of a real fight.

This question is suspect.

If you are in a place that trains you spar with whomever your instructor says you spar with. you will not learn much from sparring especially outside of the place where you train. No one has the qualifications to critique you are give you advice on how to improve.

No one says sensei over SiFu just because it sounds cool.

Go with those professionals unless they are injuring you to the point of needing medical attention. If you are that good (I don't think it is just your size, if what you say is true, you may have a knack for it), once you get to the skill level of the pros, show THEM how to behave in a sparring match by modeling the behavior you wish to see.

One thing Gandhi said that I like is that "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." His racism towards Black People in South Africa and defense of Hitler-----not so much.

The only way to get truly better is to spar with those that are better than you. Who cares if you get outclassed, you learn something.

Wise man say "If your classmates cannot grace you with bruises it is time to find classmates who can".

Spar with someone bigger

I suspect you have an attitude problem.

Professional fighter are not at all like it seems to you.

Well, I'm a big guy. I'm 6'3 and I weigh 286lbs (130kg). I'm no lumbering pile of muscle but I'm also no lumpy fat ****.

I've trained in Hung Gar (basically Shaolin Kung Fu but designed for street fighting) for about a year and 6 months, and also 5 months of MMA. I really do want to practice in my actual dojo, but my sensei keeps on ignoring requests to fight. This is mostly because I am the heaviest and biggest person in our dojo and it's filled with either serious professional fighters that would outclass me in an instant, or...10 year old kids. I really want to practice, but definitely not with those professionals since, from personal experience, they are extremely rude, overconfident and harsh in fighting. They have very little respect for their fellow fighters and generally go for dirty tricks and a whole lot of gloating.

I have been asking around my school for people that know how to fight and want a friendly sparring partner that's willing to do both sparring and wrestling/ground combat, but no one wants to go for it. I know I'm big, I'm intimidating, but I swear I would never go as far as to really hurt a person. The worst injury I inflicted was a small cut on a friend's face, and that was by mistake while I was ground wrestling. He forgave me but he had to move away to another country for educational reasons, so I'm stuck without any help.

I've asked on facebook, any other social media I could find, I asked several fighters from other dojos and they won't budge.

you could always do something about that