> Can a weak guy beat up a strong guy?

Can a weak guy beat up a strong guy?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
It is not about how hard you hit, but where. If he's soft in the gut, that's a great spot. Nose hits cause the eyes to water, blinding your opponent. Throat hits give the illusion of choking and cause panic. There are more, obviously, but I'm not going to be able to tell you all of them on here.

Just remember: Keep your eyes OPEN. Move your head JUST ENOUGH to dodge the blows you can't block. Save your energy, and recognize his patterns, just like you would a boss in a video game. When you know what's coming, you can hit him anywhere you want, as hard as you can. Game over. Achievement: "Bully Beater"

Well, if you never practiced striking you better stick to blocking. You are definitely not going to learn it in a few days. Even if you did have good punches you still need to learn how to land them. Hope your Dad's credentials as a teacher are good.

Also if you don't know how to fight (which you don't, otherwise you would not have asked this question) don't. Your Dad may have been smarter teaching you that than just some blocks. I don't care how good you are if you are faced with a barrage of punches you will block 2 or 3 at most before getting hit. Just thought you should know in case your Dad forgot to tell you.

if you only care about his weak spots look at the bottom

avoid the fight even if its your pride on the line street fighting is not pretty of coarse you could just be kids in school who are not that dangerous but you could still get charged you don't want that but if you have no other options taking on someone bigger than you is possible strategy is important because this fight could happen soon what i would do if it was me i would get some like 16oz gloves and do some light sparing with my dad but that is entirely up to you and your father and it would be better for you to avoid fighting and take martial arts classes asap so you can learn from a professional and learn how to deal with fighting in life but with sparing i know i would in that situation at lest get an idea of what to do and how to fight just remember to be calm and tricky try to confuse him when the opposite force is bigger or the same no direct attack should be made try to trick him and stay a step ahead of him like chess for example fake a hook to get him to react in a certain way so you can exploit his weaknesses like his ribs or jaw hit his jaw right and he will get knocked out and hit is ribs right and he will get winded i don't care if you a body builder getting hit in the ribs winds the hell outa ya also take Umuru's advice as well

Yes, if he had better skill.

The only way to gain skill in fighting is to train in martial arts for some years. Tips and a few days training do not work. The best thing you can do by far is avoid fighting.

Now go forth, and avoid fighting.

My gut is probably my strongest part. I knife edge myself there just to see how hard it is. Unless its a fattie or you end up with a brotard who lifts and neglects the core, good luck with a straight blow to the front abs doing anything if they see it coming.

Hey guys im kinda weak and im gunna fight some guy soon. My dad taught me how to deflect attacks with no strength at all and to use their own strength against them. But if I were to punch a strong guy but hes not built in the stomach hard would he go down? If not any areas I could hit that would make him go down?
