> Can I play baseball as a freshman with no experience?

Can I play baseball as a freshman with no experience?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Unlikely unless they take everybody - the sport isn't an easy concept.

ps: Make sure you remain academically eligible in all of your classes.

"Of course it's hard! If it wasn't hard, everybody would do it! It's the hard that makes it good." Jimmy Dugan

If it's a no cut sport go for it! Baseball is a tough sport to pick up quickly so you can't expect to be really good at it. Since it is so hard to pick up I would not just go in and start playing, I would strongly recommend working with somebody before the season starts who will work with you on hitting and fielding just so you 1. have an idea of what you are getting into and 2. have some experience playing before you try to play for your school.

If its a no cut sport, then go for it. I tried out my freshman year with no experience and i was the worst one

If its a no cut team, then it probably won't be very hard. I wouldn't expect you to do anything but be terrible, but apparently the team needs players.

You only live once .....live and learn....and pratice. as much as you can...and get the rules so you understand them...the worst that will happen is you will learn...lol...dont be scared to get hit by the ball...

I want to ply baseball as a spring sport next year as a freshman because first it seems like a fun sport and second it's a no cut sport, lol. And also I'm playing basketball but it's a small team and you can get cut easy because so many people tryout for it and it's hard to make the team so I do not want to be left playing no sports.

I have no experience of baseball, like playing it, but I do understand all the rules and how to play the sport. It's a pretty easy concept.

But if u do play next year, how hard will it be to start off new?

Will it be hard?