Brock Lesnar
ok let me finish this dumb question
1. you cant mesure fighting skills in martial arts an untraind person can take down a 9th degree black belt
2. there are way to meny last minute factors that determine a fight, every second of it
3. plus you have to give more details on a brawl, if it is just punching generally the strongest + the first strike generally wins.
there are three there we will not know unless they go at it, so end this dumb question
Neanderthals haven't been around for the past 30,000 years and they rarely engaged in any sort of interaction with homo sapiens. However, they were known to be fairly powerful, especially for their size.
Who knows.
You kinda answered your own q..
Who would win in a fight?
Two scenarios.
First scenario: Given Brock's wrestling ability and other skills, would he be able to get him down and choke him out, and would that be his only way to win?
Second scenario: Lets say Brock has no wrestling or fighting skills and is just a body builder, would he be able to win in a fight?
No weapons or tricks involve!! Just a plain brawl - But includes teeth.