> Books on learning Dim Mak?

Books on learning Dim Mak?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
There isn't any, most of them are crap

There are few people that understand dim mak, and in order to learn it you need an instructor

Books are meant for reference only and not the solo source of learning

You don't learn martial arts from books or the internet unless you're pretentious and lazy. You don't learn Dim Mak without learning anatomy, physiology and Chi theories. Trust me, learning a few of these 'pressure points' isn't going to make you out to be a competent martial artist.

You won't find that knowledge in books. More than likely, even if you find a qualified instructor, he's not going to teach you dim mak right away.

Kokoro is right. Most books are garbage and most dim mak teachers are frauds. Such a strike (in the traditional sense) requires much power and precision. It would be easier to smash someones throat in until it collapses, or whatnot.

The Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee is a must and any book on Chi Kung or Chi Gung. Good luck in your find you seem good to go and have fun your whole life doing or watching any Martial arts.

Kokoro is right, you must have a teacher, and those are rare.

I want to know a good book for self learning dim mak. I have found a lot on the internet but I don't know which is the best one. I need one that contains all 372 pressure points and how each affects the body.