> Biggest Swerve in the history of Pro Wrestling???

Biggest Swerve in the history of Pro Wrestling???

Posted at: 2015-05-07 

When Vince McMahon Jr bought the WWWF from his father in 1982.

The new WWF transistioned overnight from a predominantly athletic and technical wrestling company, into a company based on larger than life cartoon characters and sports-entertainment.

Best signified by the move from WWWF Champion The All-American Boy Bob Backlund to the new WWF Champion The Incredible Hulk Hogan.

This revolutionised the industry more that any other single action.

'Finger Poke Of Doom' ranks up pretty high, Vince McMahon being the head of The Corporate Ministry is also up there; Bully Ray/Tazz Joining Aces & Eights in Impact! Wrestling was probably the best part of the whole angle.

I really don't know, maybe David Arquette winning WCW world heavyweight title, which caused an already bad by the point WCW to be even worse and sink further.

bro let me tell you something bro its Antonio Inoki vs Muhammad Ali in the very first world famous MMA fight bro. it was so much a clusterfuck of a mess that all Inoki did bro was use the guard bro and it was the most boring fight in the history of boxing and pro wrestling bro.

They want to satisfy their lust but not for the contest, they do it for money and fame only.

That is why can not be compared to SOMO of Japan which become international with the Japanese culture and civilisation.

The problem of US.wrestling is that they do not have civilisation based.

Montreal screwjob