> Best/your favorite kick? and why?

Best/your favorite kick? and why?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Explain, 3 catagories: power, application, agility

Right roundhouse to the face - I am very good at setting it up and can throw it very fast. Plus I can control it in a spar.

Front kick the the knee - Very easy and opponent rarely sees it coming.

"Tornado kick" - extremely hard to land and do but it is extremely powerful.

Spinning Heel Kick - Fun, powerful, decently easy to set up when thinking straight.

Front kick or side kick. Usually to the body. Front kicks (or called "snap" kick) are fast, easy, and powerful and are great for providing an opening to the head/neck. It's also useful for faking because it's easy to raise the knee for a fake and then coming in with a jab punch. Side kicks because they're very powerful and can devastate an opponent. It's also very useful from different angles and can easy adapt to a spin side kick which is even more powerful.

jumping spinning back hook/axe kicks. I am out of practice, but back in the day this was my favourite flashy kick, that I used in semi/full contact spars.

Power: the spinning momentum loads the spine with kinetic energy, transferring it down the leg to the foot (heel/sole respectively).

Application: Counter.

Agility: You have to get it right so the hip doesn't impede the energy transfer, while up in the air. Stretch the hip adductors, the knee will go higher.

personally I like to throw round houses to the thighs/knees, it can be thrown very fast without compromising stance, it is hard to counter effectively, great to follow with hand strikes. and it requires very little flexibility, so it could be used to slow down an attacker even without having time to warm up (just imagine "excuse me mr mugger, can you let me stretch out before you take my wallet?"). and after a few good ones they have a dead leg and cant generate as much power themselves. when they start anticipating it, throw a Brazilian kick (shaped like a question mark), they expect another low kick then BAM right in the kisser xD

Side kick or Front kick. Both are quick. Both can stop an opponent in his tracks. Even the front leg side or front kicks are very powerful.

Round house kick to the face.

spinning heel kick. i practice it alot its my thing, if it lands its really a good chance you go to sleep

stomp - it is most powerful and you're good to go-

Explain, 3 catagories: power, application, agility