These kinds of questions give me diarrehea.
It's the individual...not the style
Dood kenjutsu is swordmanship....
MMA, no not that crap you see on in the media where they only punch, kick and go homo-pose. I'm talking about true mixed martial arts aka Jeet Kune Do philosophy. My JKD is using different techniques from different martial arts.....this is true MMA. Not some wannabe karate-ka or muay thai boxer who have some high level belt but don't use any of the forms or bunkai to fight. And yes, using bunkai works in a fight.
man i have heard this question a hundred times and there is no clear answer but the best answer is that there is no best martial art BUT you can choose which martial art is best for you and that dependence on you (your height-your weight-your age and the way you like to fight so i suggest you ask the question again with more info IF you are interested on martial arts all the people here will help you with that and for you previous question i dont think there is an answer or there will be one at all
Krav Maga, it is street fight self defense and is a lot of fun. I have been taking it for 7 years and love it.
The best fighting style is the one that you are proficient at, and have a natural ability with. With styles it's like rock paper scissors, some styles have things that can take down other styles, but they in turn will be taken down by other styles. So, honestly, the best one is the one that you are naturally talented in and you develop to proficiency.
I am a student Shaolin Kempo. It takes influences from many arts. It is practical for street self defense and is great exercise. But this is a very subjective question.
well mma is best and it includes mosty of what you listed. im guessing you want to join something cause you asked what i think is best then said your not interested in it
if you want to see different styles fight watch this
i dont really feel like explaining why mma is best to somebody who said there uninterested cause this questions asked every day
my reply here will some it up you have to look for it because it has 6 thumbs down my response here will be thumbed down to because 95 percent of the users here like to practice weird dances called katas in robes
Only the best fighter...
Or the gun, that's pretty deadly too. No Martial Artists shall survive...
Taekwondo kickboxing for stand up Bjj for ground work (Tkd kickboxing) beats most Muay Thai practictioners
you can also choose any good ground game like Sambo, ju-jitsu, or even wrestling, bjj is just most commonly used.
Anything from dragon ball z
muay thay boxing, krav maga, jeet kune do? Others? Not interested in mma much. Any sugestion . What about kenjutsu?
Silat .. I think thats how how you spell it .. bbut its really fun