> Are there any martial arts that deal with guns?

Are there any martial arts that deal with guns?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I've seen several that have been modified (American Kempo and classic Jujitsu come to mind) and other, more modern ones that integrated gun defense from the beginning (Krav Maga being a notable one). So they're out there.

There's a few things about it, though. First, it's very hard to know how reliable these defenses are- aside from some guys who gear up and train with Airsoft or paint ball guns, I don't know of anyone who's been able to accurately simulate a live firearm. Even blanks are dangerous at close range (they can shoot a paper wad, used to keep the gunpowder in the shell, at lethal speeds at close range). So it's VERY hard to train such defenses with any degree of realism, unlike, say, punches, kicks, chokes, and so on.

I've also had one instructor at a seminar point out that you're actually training gun THREAT defense. If someone is close enough for you to grab their weapon, they're threatening you with it; if they actually wanted to kill you with a firearm, they'd probably do it (if they were any kind of smart) from a distance, or just shoot you immediately and not give you time to grab it.

Many of us have learned how to defend against a person with a gun. And we'll teach it to others on a case by case basis.

The thing is ONE, it's VERY VERY dangerous. Two, the person with the gun has to be close enough for you to grab the gun while moving to the side. Three, you have to do this automatically and without hesitation.

This isn't something that should be taken lightly and it's not something like the movies. Everything has to be just right, and in most cases it's not worth risking your life to protect the contents of your wallet.

As far as which martial art it's a part of, it's not part of the core material for many arts. So if this is important to you you should talk to instructors and see what they say. The same thing goes for knife attacks which in many ways are more dangerous but that's a different discussion.

Most martial arts will teach you how to disarm an opponent with a gun or knife at close proximity.

You don't really want to get into the habit of treating a gun like a knife, unless they are trying to hit you with the gun.

Umm, it takes a very long time to develop your own effective Martial Arts system (Look at Keysi Fighting Method for an example)

I have no idea what a Kami is.

Before i scrolled down i wonder how many people said KM? lol

99% of the time if someone has a gun and wants to shoot you then you get shot.

Many advanced self defense systems and higher level martial art styles teach how to disable someone with a gun but realistically its better to not be anywhere near that seen because you will end up dead. the best object is to hope your shoe laces are tied and high tail it outta there

Tom and Callsignfuzzy make valid points, but I need to address a couple of things.

While the points Tom makes are legitimate and NEED to be considered in ALL self-defense situations involving weapons, he never actually answered either of your inquiries.

Callsignfuzzy is much more accurate in his response, especially regarding the assailants intent in the confrontation, ie; THREAT of harm-vs-ACTUAL harm.

Even the most ardent Krav Maga instructor will tell you, you have to be close enough to reach the attacker and if they just draw and fire you will probably get shot. We don't delude people to think there is no "fail point" in Krav Maga techniques, just like there are "fail points" in EVERY self-defense system. The difference is that KM focuses SPECIFICALLY on training for worst case scenarios addressing life threatening situations. We also teach about being aware of a persons body language and behaviors. This can allow you to "read" their behavior and recognize the existence of a potential threat before a weapon is drawn, giving you a better reaction time to the threat when/if it develops.

To train with realism in weapons defense we use "Shock Knives" which put out 1500 volts at .001 micro amps. It is not harmful, but the shock will penetrate most light clothing and feels like being cut ( I have been cut in a fight so I can vouch for the comparison). We also utilize RAM pistols for gun defenses. These "weapons" shoot 32 caliber vulcanized (hard) rubber balls at apprx. 1000 fps.. Way slower than a real firearm, but the impact leaves a substantial welt, and the bruise remains for a week or more (we do NOT point them at the face). The affect of these "weapons" provides what I commonly refer to as "Consequence of Failure". It allows you to practice with more realism with out injury, thus giving you opportunity to improve your technical execution.

With all that has been said I recommend finding a Krav Maga Alliance affiliate if there is one in your area.


This will give you your best opportunity to work within a system that is specifically designed for combat survival. It is the H2H system used by the Israeli Defense Forces and is the most widely taught combat system for military and law enforcement personnel in the world.

Honestly, whenever I'm watching YouTube videos and I see a school teaching defense against guns, especially to kids, my respect for them drops to near zero and I assume it's a McDojo.

If I were you I would practice my 100 m dash. If I have an intent to kill you, and I have a gun, why would I get so close to you that you can do anything to me? Isn't that the purpose of a gun? Killing someone from far away?

Honestly, if lead is flying past your head, he will probably "win", you will probably die or be in the hospital, and things will not be as you expect. Just buy a gun and learn how to use it.

hai buddy, many martial arts taught way to againts anything weapon, but we knew in real fighting and real situation is differeent than when we were training, we must be rileks and skillfull to handle that situation in real fighting.

Nike fu! That is the art of running. lol.

As in how to self defend if someone tries to shoot you

Before they shoot you could you treat it like a knife?

How hard is it to figure out Your own martial arts system?

Without Kami,ect
