> Are knife defences waste of time to learn?

Are knife defences waste of time to learn?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
You could be a Navy Seal who is an expert at knife fights, and even totally took apart many opponents on the battlefield, and he could still end up like that. To say a martial art is totally useless because someone somewhere had something like that happen, really isn't that accurate.

No two fights are the same. So even if you learned "knife defense" doesn't guarantee a good outcome. What if you had the stomach flu? Or were drunk?

So to say that boxing isn't effective against a knife because someone got stabbed who was a boxer, doesn't tell us much about the style and its effectiveness. Sure, we can speculate as boxing doesn't practice any kind of knife defense, but we can't say for sure.

Making such sweeping conclusion that knife defense is ineffective based on what happened to a boxer is faulty logic. Boxers do not train for defense except against other boxers. This means they are just as ineffective against a knife as they would be against a kick, a throw, elbow strike, joint lock, or a baseball bat.

With that being said, knife defense is no cakewalk. If you get into a fight against someone with a knife you WILL be cut. It's not like the movies where two people go at each other with knives and the hero walks away without a single cut. What knife defense gives you is to increase your odds of not getting killed. Police officers and other LEO are taught knife defense including the 21 Foot Rule (the Tueller Drill) . If you don't know what that is you should Goggle it.

Boxing is a sport. Boxer aren't learning self defense. Knife defense is not a tool needed for the ring. Therefore it is not taught. Even in schools that teach knife defense it is very risky. You are likely to get cut. My preference is to learn self defense. But I will not say boxing is useless. It can be used in self defense.

In regards to the statement about "knife defense can u outrun a bullet?

In law enforcement you are taught a 21 foot rule. What that mean that the "average" person with a knife can get to the officer and stab the officer up pretty good before the officer can get their gun out of the holster and put 2 rounds into center mass. In other words bring a knife to a gun fight is can be deadly with the person with the knife winning.

Most people are ignorant of this. Having a gun can easily means the gun will be taken from you and used on you.

That's like asking because someone had a car accident yesterday are they never going to drive again and I am willing to bet they are still going to drive. Knife defenses have their place and if you work or travel in an area that carries some probability of having the need for such techniques then its better to have some idea about things than not. I have been confronted by a person with a corkscrew before who was going to try and stab me with it. I knew he carried one in his boot and was in frequent trouble with the law which was why he did not carry a knife instead. Knowing that and other things enabled me to deal with the situation early on while he was attempting to retrieve it from his boot. Just because something does not work for one person in one situation that does not mean that it won't work for someone else or has no value at all.

However dealing with a person with a weapon which I have had to do several times really requires training at a higher level than what many achieve. That's why their best option is to avoid it or run in situations involving weapons if they can. In a bathroom or bathroom stall that opportunity is severely limited and then you better know what you are doing and have the skill needed or you will get hurt like the boxer did. Every situation and the circumstances surrounding it are different and knowing how to best deal with them is as important as any techniques that you might consider using along with your skill with them is what I have largely found.

The 'extra info' half of your question answers the first half.

Boxers do NOT train for knife defence. Period. If he had maybe he wouldn't have got into such a mess. Boxing skills are by no means useless; but ,as seen,weapons are a great equalizer in a fight. Boxing and knife defence are two ends of the same curve, the don't meet and are different aspects of the same thing (self defence).

Most knife defenses are worthless, especially if they are taught by someone who does not know how to use a knife. The best people to learn knife defense are usually trained in Philipino martial arts. I have seen many other styles try but found them lacking.

most boxers dont train against knives. they train for the sport and unarmed techniques

most people that do train knife defense train it completely wrong, that knife attack properly lasted less then 10 seconds. a knife attacker is not going to stop at one little stab and wait for you to do your technique, it doesnt require power to stab or great distance a person even an amateur can stab a person 40 times in 10 seconds.

knife defense taught properly will help contain the amount of injures you get but you will get cut regardless. its best to avoid them when possible. but in most case you wont even see the knife coming.

Boxers don't learn knife self defense. Filipinos have an art called Kali that teaches knife fighting and knife defense. Krav Maga also teaches knife defense, and so do some other martial arts. And yes, it works, you do not want to mess with a Kali expert.

What do boxers train for?

A sport called boxing.

What do they do?

Strike and punch.

Do they train for knife defense?


So what did you expect? Even martial arts that do "train" in knife defense do not do it realistically.

Knife attacks usually go down like this:

i dont think theres such a thing as knife defense

can u outrun a bullet?

In England a amateur expert boxer got stabbed in a pub toilet by a knife man

does mean that boxing skills are a waste of time against a knife wielding maniac. this boxer got stabbed like 40 times according to police file report