> Are kicks cheap in schoolyard fights?

Are kicks cheap in schoolyard fights?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
My friends keep telling me that kicks are cheap in schoolyard fights. I take Tae kwon do for 3 years now and my friends keep telling me how kicking is cheap.

First.....Those may not be truly your friends. They may know that you are practicing TKD and they may know that TKD is focused more on kicks rather than in anything else, and they may trying to get away from you, what they think is your competitive advantage, over them and others.

Second....Here is the martial arts section of Y/A. It is not the judges law of morality section, which is something very objective according to one's culture and character.

It is up to the individual to decide what is right and what is wrong and what is usable and what is not, how, when, for what reasons, how much e.t.c. Your teachers may say to you, don't involve in schoolyard fights. Your friends may say to you if there is a good reason, do it. Others may try to scare you of, others may try to boost you on, on one form and degree or another. The point is still the same. It is up to the individual to decide what is right and what is wrong and what is usable and what is not, when, how, for what reasons, how much e.t.c.

This way you may take a few decisions on your own and learn from life, rather than ask strangers that do not know you, what are the morals of schoolyard fighting.....

Bloody hell we already answered this question! Why ask it again?!





It's a bloody fight! There is no such thing as cheap! Anything goes.

I'm not gonna waste my time giving a well thought out answer this time, when most of the others gave you good answers too.

Probably in back in 1940's? -shrugs- Where tough guys only use fists and don't dodge them, they stand there and take the hit. Some do I hit you, and you hit me back, than repeat till one of us give up.. Heh I think they see Kick as a sissy, something only Kid or Woman use.


My friends keep telling me that kicks are cheap in schoolyard fights. I take Tae kwon do for 3 years now and my friends keep telling me how kicking is cheap.