> You guys remember this?

You guys remember this?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You were not the only one on here that got that email. my answer got reported as well. i replied to there yahoo, telling their mods how useless and worthless they are along with their reporting process.

and people wonder why the tc are not around as often to give then quality answers its reasons like this that im not on more

Did you tie this in with a question? If not then maybe that could be the reason why. I suggest you read the Yahoo policy concerning posting of questions and answers to make sure that any questions or answers meet those guidelines. I generally don't waste my time reporting things unless its a threat towards others in here or is a personal attack against someone and derogatory in nature.

At the same time I will admit I have on a few occasions fed the trolls myself in a attempt to offer a little humor and maybe make someone laugh or smile that day when answering something. There is an element within the section that gives a thumbs down to answers based on personal feelings rather than the correctness of the answer and there also in the past was some ballot stuffing going on. This is why my answers and questions are public. I will also add that the recent changes that Yahoo made to Yahoo Answers is not working as well as they maybe hoped but who knows if they will change it back or even if it will continue in the future in its current format. When I report a question or answer it is for the right reasons and because it is insulting to others in this forum or a threat towards them. Unfortunately part of the element of the Internet allows people to behave and say things while hiding behind a screen that they probably would not say or do in real life to another person so try not to take it personal if one of those idiots directs some of their errant behavior towards you or the things you post. They know who they are and their actions speak for themselves and I say let your questions, answers, input, and behavior speak for you and who you are.

I got reported, and replied back along the same lines as Kokoro did.

no i do not