> Wrestling and Jiu jitsu problem. What should I do?

Wrestling and Jiu jitsu problem. What should I do?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
My wrestling coach has a list of colorful insults for me. Here a couple of my choice favorites from the last week alone:

1. Sprawl, you dumb c*nt, SPRAWL!

2. That was the perfect opportunity for a slam, you hairy sack of sh*t!

3. You've got a midget's body and a f*cking huge head. Be careful if he tries to get you in a headlock.

(My head is normal sized.)

As KW warrior said, you're probably not the only one being bullied. Combat sports like boxing and wrestling have their fare share of hazing. When I first started boxing, the coach didn't give a **** about me. However, when I proved that I could work hard and was willing to put in effort, he put in full effort into training me.

Remember that good wrestlers are exceptional athletes, with great strength of both mind and body. Socrates, the father of Western Philosophy, stated "I swear it upon Zeus an outstanding runner cannot be the equal of an average wrestler".

If you show your coach that you FULLY commit to training, as in you put all the strength you have (mental and physical) into the sport, not only will you earn the coach's respect, you will become someone worth a sh*t.

I'd say find a way to do both. The two atmosphere's are going to be different and you're going to learn how to fight on the ground in different ways, but in a way it's kinda nice. Just get use to the fact you're going to be berated in wrestling. It's very much like being part of a football team. I'm sure you're not the only one getting sh*t but it just feels that way. The reality is your coach and your teammates all give each other sh*t. And in the end it'll make you tougher and you'll thank yourself for sticking with it. And then there's the softer side, in Jiu Jitsu. Most BJJ schools are pretty humble and don't have the same mentality as wrestlers.

As for your Dad, tell him Jiu Jitsu is just another form of wrestling and Jiu Jitsu fighters can easily defeat wrestlers, and vice versa. Tell him you'll continue to do wrestling if he pays for Jiu Jitsu lessons. That's a fair agreement in my opinion.

I did wrestling an Crosscountry my first year in Highschool. i bulked up sophomore year and decided not to do Crosscountry. Wrestling was terrible. I was bullied a lot and I used to get pushed and always called scrawny. The coaches would call me and my brother Tards. I could deal with the Hardwork but I was extremely demotivated and depressed doing it. So when I tried it again sophomore year things were a bit better but I was still bullied. And my dad is really strict and wanted me to do it so I ran away. I didn't do any sports after that because I had surgery on my knee because I started to feel pain on my knee. Well this summer I started doing JiuJitsu and it's a lot better then wrestling the people are nice and they don't make fun of me it's peaceful and rough. my dad wants me to do wrestling again. But I don't want him to be mad at me. I don't know if he'd pay for my jiujitsu if I didn't. My brother Also wants me to do it. But he's cool with me choosing jiu jitsu over it. What should I do? Please no insults