> Would it be weird to join karate at 13?

Would it be weird to join karate at 13?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If the Karate places around you put more emphasis on kids classes than they do the adults, then that place is a guaranteed McDojo. Avoid them. Even if you're only in it for recreation purposes, those places are notoriously over priced, and do not teach anything close to the actual martial art styles.

Karate isn't a kids thing, it's meant for adults. Not to say adolescents, kids or teens shouldn't participate, what I'm trying to say is actual Karate -- and all martial art designed for self defense -- is meant for a real purpose in real life. It should be taken seriously, is what I mean, not that you still can't have fun learning and practicing. I still have plenty of fun even to this day.

If a martial art is what you decide, be a smart shopper and make sure the place isn't a McDojo, and that they teach the real deal. There have been lots of questions asked here on Y!A about spotting a McDojo, so be sure to take advantage of the Y!A's question search bar if you're wanting to find out more.

Some children may start young others start at teenagers. Some start as adults. Some start as senior citizens.

There is no right or wrong age. All depends on the individual.

I always use this example. Chuck Norris began in the arts as a 19 year old stationed in Korea in the US Air Force. I think he did pretty well in the marital arts.

WHY do some teens think they have to be 4 or 5 to start marital arts? I don't understand that line of thinking.

13 is not old or a weird age to start martial arts. In fact, most people I know, involved in martial arts, started much later than 13 (late teens, twenties, thirties...). My dojo actually does not have kids classes and won't train anyone under age 15. Look around and find a good dojo.

I perfer my students to be older (15 is the best age to start) but have taken many students younger. If you want real Karate make sure that the instructor is recognized by the Okinawan Prefecture or, well buyer be aware

I was older than you when I started with other older than you adults so go for it and have fun. If you are into the Japanese culture pick a really traditional dojo. I think you would enjoy that more than just the average sports or Mcdojo version.

Won't be weird.

Generally, people at martial arts centres accept people of all ages; you're not gonna be the oldest there, nor the youngest.

And yeah, some kids do start quite young. I've seen an 8-year-old purple belt, but her age kinda limited her strength and she has to stick to basic kata until she gets stronger.

N.B. Kata is an individual training exercise in martial arts.

No. Listen to what you want and then go do it! If Karate is what makes you happy then that is what you should pursue! Who cares what others think.

Not weird at all. Martial arts teaches you alot about yourself. Excellent idea.

I actually four actually five favorite kids that do martial arts.

My therapist said that it was highly recommended to get a hobby. I'm really into Japanese culture so I thought, why not do karate? I was just wondering if it would be weird if I joined at my age since most kids probably start at a young age.