> Would an axe kick be effective in a street fight?

Would an axe kick be effective in a street fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If you're small and don't weigh much, an axe kick would be the last thing I'd ever attempt in a street fight.

"No matter how experienced the person I'm fighting, he won't really expect it... By using this move, I'm cutting his guard from above with the heal of my shoe grazing upon his face would do some damage physically and psychologically."

Or you'd get knocked down because you've compromised your balance/stability and didn't expect him to block, deflect, counter, shoot, or evade you - which is pretty easy considering the short range and area covered of the strike. Although you can do a lot of damage striking with the heel, the axe kick can almost be entirely evaded by stepping out, in, or to the side. It's flashy and rarely ever effective. Furthermore, being small and having less mass, you're even less likely to produce any significant amount of damage or successfully perform it on anyone else.

You simply assume too much and it's apparent that you have no fight experience especially if you're going to assume your attacker would become more apprehensive. Most attackers (especially the inexperienced) would rush in aggressively making this technique one of the worst to ever use on the street. This attack isn't going to impress or "awe" anyone, especially when you get laid out.

It takes a tremendous amount of skill to accurately pull off an axe kick. In sports or point fighting you can risk missing with an axe kick and you'll still be okay, but in a street fight with no rules and no referee, you cannot take those kind of risks. In a street fight, if you must kick then your kicks need to be used to create distance, and you should not kick above your opponent's waist. Flashy high kicks look good in the movies, and I'm sure that a handful of fighters like GSP could accurately land a high kick in a street fight, but in a self defense situation you want to keep all of your movements cautious so you aren't vulnerable to being knocked down on a hard surface.

Well, if you can get in position, I think an axe kick to the nuts would be the way to go.

I had success with that in a fight, but I'm a good sized dude with size 14 feet to use.

both krypteian and tom are right...now for Brandon you cant axe kick someone in the balls for the fact it is strait up then down hitting with the heel...it is used for the head or shoulder.. this kick needs lots of flexibility and if your never trained this kick or new to it is hard to do even in sparring. I would try a side kick before a axe kick...

Krypteian gave you a really good answer.

The reality is any time you open yourself up you expose yourself to a counter attack.

So against someone really slow, really weak, and really stupid it'll work fine. But even an average person who is smart enough to MOVE, it won't be effective against. And against someone with some speed and skill, you're in a whole lot of trouble using it.

in my opinion, no, an axe kick wont do any good, I would prefer a wheel kick or a crescent kick,

what i do is cartwheel and literally spinkick people to the ground i have taken down 6'4 marines like this and I'm 5'9 you should give it a try sometime it works wonders

Its better I never do martial arts cause If i do it right the street always want to bury me .

Let's say for example that I am at school, I am fighting someone on flat concrete that spans maybe 60-70 yards and I have distance to step and move around. I think an axe kick would be effective because no matter how experienced the person I'm fighting is, he won't really expect it. So it wields the element of surprise. To add on to that, most people don't know the proper block to an axe kick nor decent stepping and usually lunge forward instead of moving around. By using this move, I'm cutting his guard from above, with the heel of my shoe grazing upon his face would do some damage physically and psychologically. And everyone would probably scream and be in awe to the attack even if it misses, adding the pressure towards my opponent and he'll be expecting anything at that point. The worst that can happen is that I'll somehow fall down, and my ground game isn't too bad. I do a lot of dirty moves like groin shots and eye gauges since I'm small compared to some other guys (like Bruce lee size).

Any opinions?