> Would a body builder be good in a fight?

Would a body builder be good in a fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I used to know a guy who did karate and he said that bodybuilders can beat most people in a fight because they are a lot stronger than everyone else. Those guys are all muscle without any fats to contain them. They don't hold back and the ki comes out of them freely because of this.

Short guy will only win if he know how to control range.If short guy is fast enough HiT and Run.that's the only way short guy can win against bodybuilder or huge guy becuse huge guy's one hit can stun small guy..Once i saw a golden gloves get beaten bad by a fat huge guy because that golden gloves cant control and maintain the range...check out video on youtub aoron vs goliath ad there are many more of them....this is what i personally feel when i spar with huge guys...

You should really check out Kyle Leon's Gain Muscle Program, it's the best muscle building program in the recent times. It's a MS Excel based application which utilises a lot of data related to the user's specific body type, in order to help him/her create an ideal nutrition plan for his/her unique body type.

It also synchronises and customises every user's individual training program, in line with his/her daily nutrition needs, thereby ensuring that he/she is able to develop muscle mass in a safe manner and free of fats.

I packed 20 lbs of lean muscle in one month and a half by doing his program. Check out his video at http://www.themusclemaximizer.link to learn how it works. You will gain lean muscle mass as quickly as humanly possible. Good luck!

Without fighting skills and tools, usually an extremely large guy will dominate the fight because it can be difficult to overcome sheer power without the skills required to do so.

Some women love body builders, some women like skinny guys and some like fat guys... attraction is in the eye of the beholder. Me personally i like fit lean guys with muscles but thats me, lots of people are different.

Body building is worthless. If your only Olympic lifting then yea he woukd have a great advantage. Avearage body builder woukd not as doing repeative or explosive exercise doesn't get them the result they need which isn't muscle or strength or cardio or anything useful to fighting its just size. Intimidation woukd be the only sizeable advantage and if both of them only had abit of boxing or kickboixing I'd give the little guy the nod. If they both had abit of grappling then maybe the big guy. It doesn't matter how much muscle you have it doesnt go to the face. Body builders aren't strong the just have more mass to generate more lifting power. Strength is a mix of power and speed if you have lots of power but no speed your weak. I've had pro body builders touch my chin and I dropped them with one liver shot. There muscle isn't hard that's why the pro guys stop building muscle and condition it. Most people just building it up. You need powerlifts to have any advantage.

Your question and assumptions are at odds with each other. On one hand you seem to be convinced that skill is more important. On the other you wonder about physical size and appearance.

If two fighters are of the same skill level, then whoever is the more experienced, fit, and/or determined has a better chance of winning.

Riley pretty much nailed it. Guys training olympic lifts or explosive movements, even like a powerlifter, will have a force advantage. Guys who are into bodybuilding, which is all about getting a pump and giant muscles, won't have nearly as great an advantage, and their body composition will actually put them at a disadvantage because they aren't as flexible and have that extra mass to move around. Bodybuilders lift to look huge. Olympic lifters, power lifters, and other folks who train to develop power and speed in their lifts train to develop functional strength that does help in a fight.

Body building has nothing to do with fighting. Body builders must train to fight before they are any good.

It is true that the largest body builders are muscle-bound and cannot perform simple tasks that the rest of us take for granted. (Then again, we cannot do what they take for granted... so it's a 2-way street).

Would they win? It all depends on either of the fighter's skills, the rules, the environment... and luck.

They build themselves up for reasons that have nothing to do with fighting. That would be asking why violinists play the violin if it doesn't help them in a fight.

As for attractiveness, you'd have to ask women that question. However, I do not find women body builders to be attractive.

Overgeneralizing is illogical. Some bodybuilders good fighters, some not good, still they covered of thick, hard muscle, are quite strong, can be formidable opponents. Franco Columbu win many physique contests and boxing bouts too. You lack qualifications judge them. John Grimek win 1940 and 1941 Mr. America and 1947 Mr. Universe physique contests, before that he win some weightlifting championships, he prove is wrong say he is "muscle bound" and slow. You have no basis say such things. Is wrong cliche some men, e.g. Grimek-san, disprove many times. If two men have same level of skill, bigger, stronger, tougher man obviously win. Big strong man punch harder, foe hurt hands when punch his thick hard muscles too. Each person have different values, are many physique contests, bodybuilders can win big cash prizes. Some women like them, some women not like them. My lover is giant bodybuilder, power-lifter, thus I love them. You evidently hate them, maybe jealous.

Bodybuilders train to build their physiques. They don't train to fight. If there was a fight between a man who is trained in martial arts and a huge muscle man who doesn't know how to fight, the martial artist will win because he's trained to fight. End of story.

The really huge ones dont have a very big range of movement in there arms and there probably really slow. Would they win against a kind of athletic but not huge guy. If they both had the same level of fighting skill. Why do they build themselves so huge if it doesn't help them fight? Women dont find it attractive do they?

Depends on the guy, and how they trained. You can still be quick. And you can apply force very explosively.

there's a difference between being big and being strong