Regardless of all that, do you know how you can tell if something has the possibility of "working" in MMA? Simple. Does it teach you kicks, punches, throws, or submissions? That's it. MMA fighters primarily come from backgrounds of wrestling, BJJ, Muay Thai, and boxing, but some have been successful with backgrounds in Judo, Sambo, Shooto, Taekwondo, karate, Dutch kickboxing, Sumo, Taijutsu, and Capoeira.
Some MMA fighters who have claimed at least a partial background in JKD include Luke Cummo, Tim Boetch, and Molly Helsel.
Jeet Kune Do is not a style it is an approach, a philosophy. It is basically the use of any style or technique which suits you and works for your particular body. I would be highly scpetical of anyone teaching JKD. JKD is mixed martial arts the concept of which is nothing new - what is new is the hype,TV coverage and marketting.
You know what works well in MMA? MMA. I don't understand why people want to train A to be good at B. Do you see people who want to do boxing go and train wrestling? There are schools that specifically train you for MMA. Go to those schools if you want to do MMA.
Absolutely. I am going to get a lot of dislikes for this answer. But it is one of the most complete martial arts.
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Would it work? is it more effective than Boxing for example. I heard it uses kicking,punching,trapping and grappling. Is this a good martial art combination? Jeet Kune Do,Gracie Jiu Jitsu,Wrestling.