> Wing Chun Help SOS?

Wing Chun Help SOS?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
What you need is a little flexibility in terms of application.

You've been studying for 8 years, you should be able to use the techniques pretty well.

Now what you've got to do is learn from other sources such as this: (http://www.youtube.com/user/izzotactical...

The videos here will help you very much.

So far I've incorporated the teachings there and there has been improvement.

Believe me.....Youtube helps.....If you study them carefully....

You also need to have some confidence in yourself.

If you believe you can win, you can.

Also, do not attack people...You defend yourself...attacking others is bad... :)

Be confident but don't be fearless...fear of death is what keeps us alive so be careful.

I would like you to continue sparring with people who don't know martial arts because it will give you the experience of a street fight. Unpredictable people are often the most dangerous than those who are learned (Karate, or TKD, etc. users have discipline).

Anyways, Good luck and keep practicing!!!

After 3 years of Wing Chun and having 2 different Sifu the best advice I can give you is to leave Wing Chub behind and find another martial art. Wing Chun was a complete waste of my time. I literally was able to learn more about fighting in 3 months of boxing than the entire 3 years of Wing Chun.

It is natural to feel scared before a fight. You need to be trained to fight, not merely by learning routines.

One common saying in Chinese martial arts is " a flurry of blows from an untrained person will kill an old sifu".

So your experience with your friends do not come as a surprise. There is still another saying, " Confidence and boldness are first, Strength, second, and last, is kungfu or fighting skills". This means, that you need to have confidence and boldness first inorder to win a fight. Your martial arts comes last.

Your Ving Tsun is a modified type of Wing Chun developed by Yip Man and to taught to students who he did not trust. The true wing Chun is much more effective.

Find a few open martial arts competitions and give them a go.

If you can adapt to the rules then you can adapt to different scenarios and you have very little to worry about.

Not much to add.....just wanted to comment on really good answers.

All to often is input that is of no value, and to discredit.


Hello I'm Georgio

I've been practicing classic ving tsun for 7-8 years and im still being questioned...am i going to stand and be able to protect myself during a street fight....i am very troubled with my thoughts of negative result inside of me...and 1 more problem is that when it comes to fight i feel scared...like once we argued with a know classmate of mine and he came like he was going to punch me i stand my ground and didn't back off but inside me the fear i felt it was making me shake and i was scared that he would punch me and i wouldn't be able to defend not to kick his *** just defend myself. its been 7-8 years of me practicing strikes and Technics the 3 forms of ving tsun but even when we spar with friends for fun ( friends don't know martial arts) they always gain territory and their strikes overcome my defense and they end up hitting me and i cannot do anything and also i feel that their punches are strong and they hurt me but i cant do nothing to them.

i seek your advice

thank you for your time!