> Wing Chun Fighter vs UFC Fighter?

Wing Chun Fighter vs UFC Fighter?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Who would win? and how come i never see Wing Chun in the UFC?

The UFC is a professional MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) organization.

MMA fighters come from a variety of different backgrounds. Among the common ones are Western wrestling, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Muay Thai, boxing, Sambo, Judo, kickboxing, and full-contact karate. Mostly they train two or more, plus have special training sessions to work on blending them together for MMA.

Some fighters include a background in Wing Chun. Sami Berik of the UK included Wing Chun training in his martial arts prep for MMA, but has a so-so pro record. Shawn Obasi had some success at the amateur level but lost his only pro fight. Alan Orr has produced some decent amateur fighters. Of course, all of these guys except for Obasi trained something in addition to Wing Chun to prepare for competition.

Wing Chun by itself is, to me, a supplement at best. I say this as someone who has trained for MMA, and someone who has spent time in Wing Chun. I've sparred guys with pure Wing Chun backgrounds, and while there are some good things their training has taught them, overall, the training tends to be very dogmatic, and they're unable to improvise or think strategically. The Wing Chun classes I've trained and have observed tend to get you good at defending against Wing Chun, which would be great if everyone fought using Wing Chun. Hardly anyone does, so the success rates plummet against trained fighters.

Wing Chun doesn't work in an MMA environment. Simply doesn't. Traditionally someone training in MMA trains more for that type of thing; fighting, sparring and things like that. Wing Chun practitioners train differently and use a different format. I'm sure there are exceptions and I'm sure given proper instructions and given you have a good trainer wing chun could be a good style. But the fact of the matter is that MMA fighters train more fighting than wing chun practitioners. But any style can be good if you have a good trainer and you train in a quality way. Be in wing chun, TKD or MMA.

MMA is competition and Wing Chun teachers as a general assessment absolutely despise dealing with teachers of other schools, on top of that they tend to steer their students away from anything that might be considered 'competitive'. As a result you just don't find many Wing Chun students with any interest in competitions, on top of that since there are very few Wing Chun practitioners with interest in competitions there is an extremely shallow talent pool for a half-decent competitive Wing Chun student to rise out of.

It's a matter of numbers.

The better fighter would win. Styles dont fight people do. Wing chun is not completely compatible the rules that mma typically follows. There's eye gouges throat shots and pluthera of other things.

well in a street fight? or cage fight? lets look at mma fighters.. the top mmaers have backgrounds in varies martial arts, theyre training is so intense itd prolly kill most people, im serios there training is just so intense its freaken nuts!... id say the mixed martial artiest who uses many tehcniques would have a pretty vast advantage...

UFC is better than WC.

chuck norris

Who would win? and how come i never see Wing Chun in the UFC?