> WingChun/Eskrima or Silat/Kali?

WingChun/Eskrima or Silat/Kali?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Escrima and kali are exact same just different words and you'll start off there learning stick, knife, unarmed, improvised weapons (in that order)...much better than krav but will take a long time to master but will give discipline. Wing chun and silat are also very practical and will give you discipline especially wing chun. Wing chun has 3 to 4 forms you'll need to master, by the way. Silat is like kali but focuses not as much on weapons compared to kali but more focused on somewhat acrobatic movements but silat will teach you to be like a shadow that can literally break bones...hope I helped! Im on the same journey as you are

I think all of those arts compliment each other nicely. I personally would go for the silat/kali combination.

So let me start off by saying I don't want to know which is better. I'm just looking for input from someone who can help me compare the different sets. I am a practitioner of Krav Maga for a little over 2 years (green belt training for blue). I still have a lot to learn but I love every second of it. It turns out I have some extra time and I've found 2 gyms that offer classes in wing chun and eskrima, and silat and kali that would fit my schedule in addition to my KM classes. I'm a student and I'm planning on enlisting into the military after I graduate if that helps any. My mentor/motivator has recommended Silat, but I'd still like some other opinions. KM is about aggression and, "whatever it takes to stay safe" so i'm looking for a system that would not only enhance what I already know, but would give me a deeper sense of discipline. Blue belt and beyond in KM is mainly weapon defense (stick/knife/handgun/long-gun) so I was looking for something to teach me offensive techniques with stick and knife, hence why these to gyms are awesome!

Yeah so if anyone that has practiced in any of these systems, if you could please enlighten me on the art i'd be very grateful.