> Will those martial arts help me in a street fight?

Will those martial arts help me in a street fight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Krav Maga is taught differently to Israeli special forces than it is to regular soldiers and civilians. It's not awful, but the type you will learn is greatly over-hyped.

You've chosen too many arts to study at once. Getting okay at one art requires training 2-3 times a week, for at least a few hours. Getting good requires training 5-6 times a week. You need to do this for a few years before you really start to see the benefits. There aren't enough hours in a day, or days in a week.

Don't think Judo or BJJ are simple. In fact, they're the exact opposite. I find I progress in grappling slower than I do in striking. It's just so complicated and technical, and you need to train until you can do it by instinct.

Try the art that seems the most fun. See if you like the teacher. Train with them for a few weeks. If you like it, stick with it until you get good at it. Then think about starting another. If you can't decide on an art, I recommend BJJ. Don't think of it as your "first art", think of it as your main.

I think it would be better for you to start with muay thai first, to get some basic conditioning. And a sense of reality.

Try sticking to that for a while, and if you still want to train other arts then do it.

There's so many contradictory views on crosstraining, you should just go out there and try things for yourself.

So u want to study 5 different martial arts? U cray

Ur aiming for the jack if all trades master of none, which isnt always a good thing. If u want to have ground and standup just do the classic mix of Muay Thai and Bjj, not a bunch

Unless you join the Israeli army you will not learn the military version of krav maga. You will be learning a civilian self defense course.

In 6 months you won't learn much

It takes years to get the basics down of a single style and decades to understand it

Karate has both striking and grappling as well as stand up and ground. There is far mor grappling in karate then muay thai. Although both are still great arts separately

If you train right and understand the style you will only need one style not 5. The problem is you kids are in Arusha to learn everything and in rushing through styles you learn far less.

on what planet is Judo and BJJ so simple LOL they are possibly 2 of the most technical styles on the planet.

Seriously you think you are going to learn all of that LOL

The more styles you learn the more confused you will become.


you fight the way you train

Okay, so right now I don't have a lot of free time so I am planning to take up martial arts in a year from now. So, I am thinking to start training first in Krav Maga for about 5-6 months so as to train in hand-to-hand combat and great self defense. I mean, it's Israel military's combat system so it's great and I know that you only need some months to learn it. So, when I end with Krav Maga I will take up Muay Thai and Kyokushin Karate for amazing striking abilities. Like, both offer great striking and also the very useful clinch that Muay Thai offers. I mean, they are the top 2 striking martial arts. in addition, I will train in Judo and BJJ cause they are so effective and simple. They will teach me great throws, takedowns, sweeps, locks, chokes etc so I will be awesome on the ground too.

I think it's an awesome combination cause I cover both striking and grappling. Striking is covered by Muay Thai and Kyo Karate while Judo and BJJ offer grappling.

Krav Maga offers general self defense knowledge so as to end a fight as quick as possible.

So :

1. Is my combo good? Would you change any of the martial arts I chose? It's Muay Thai, Kyo Karate, Judo, BJJ and Krav Maga.

2. For one year I won't be able to really get involved much in a martial art but I still want to take up one extra this year cause I love MA and I like fighting so I want it. So, what other martial art is good to train in that helps for street fighting. I thought of Boxing for extra punching ability?