> Will the UFC rise or fall in popularity?.?

Will the UFC rise or fall in popularity?.?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I think MMA will continue to "stagnate" and then it will begin a slow decline. The PPV numbers are falling, ever so steadily. Meanwhile, big name boxing continues to draw the same kind of PPV numbers that it has enjoyed for decades. MMA was predicted to surpass boxing and to put boxing out-of-business, but that never happened. Boxing experienced a temporary lull, but it's coming back in a big way. For a long time, MMA was drawing audiences away from boxing, but Mayweather, Pacqiao, and all of the other big name boxers have kept boxing alive. I think MMA has peaked. It might have peaked a few years ago, but I don't see it getting any more popular than it is today.

hard to say ,depends on the product

with the introduction of a womens division not to mention

the lesser weight catergories im just not interested as much

not to mention the rules are kind of lacking ....with the champions

fighting less and less and fighters fightinn not to lose there will

less demand for this product ...

skys the limit

I'd say it's on a slow rise. It may have peaked in the US, but is still gaining popularity in places like Brazil, China, Japan, and Western Europe. This, particularly, as it includes home-grown MMA fighters from those places in its local events.

Nothing last forever, it's popularity will decline just like everything else.

I personally believe it will expand much better if you bring nationalities into it like boxing does.

Rise. It's expanding all over the world. MMA gyms are opening up. Elite MMA fighters are increasing in number every year. And the UFC is the best MMA org by far...BY FAR.

its pretty medium enough people have heard of it and watch it but alot of people dont and the same time